Em8er Groups & Alliances


Jul 26, 2016
Hmm... this got me thinking. Will there be a system in the game for paying other players for jobs that can't be cheated? Like an automatic checking/credit system.

Because I often play a mercenary or boss hunter in games, I often help other players out when they want help killing something. Going by the game I ether ask for payment up front before the fight or my payment will be a percentage of the rewards from the fight/mission/quest or just that one really rare item drop.

In most games everyone is just on the honor system. Which is good and all for most things but doesn't really help us people who like to make and try to run a business in games because their is not much in the way to stop people from breaking that trust and not paying. But if there was a third party NPC banking group in the game than players seeking to hire other players for a job first have put the payment in the bank to stop people from saying that have something that they don't or if it a loot drop it is automatically picked up by the system to stop loot thefts. This will ensure that the payment will always be there for the player for services rendered. This can also act like a jobs board where players and guild can post listing about jobs they are willing to do or jobs they they'll pay for.

I'm not sure how it would be done as I have not really put any thought into this post. But the key is to make an automated system for paying other players for helping you in tasks. Because I really don't want to see those shame and shun threads in this game saying, do not sell to or work with this person because they do not pay and cheat people.
I suggested that https://forums.em8er.com/threads/discussion-in-game-terminals.1260/ here


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
After some time and reading the Em8er novel just slapped a free picture and the words
thought this would be good.

The group of fixers thought Dragon is the ideal A.I to represent the group after all helpful, protective
and selfless.

Dragon is an Op-Ai in the Em8er Novel probably my favorite !

Darla and other fixers realized it would take more to cope with the strain if there were going to be more hostiles and with the right support behind, many Reapers and A.I's could certainly find this helpful.

DNA was formed working along side the Op-Ai's and Reapers together they could have collective
information and skilled operatives to do tasks such as:

- Research Crafting: The crafting can make such nice things with the right resources.

- Support Medics / Support Engineers: Coming to the rescue and fix meks, vehicles even buildings and healing reapers, pets and any innocent survivors.

- Resource Gathering: For the Crafting folks to help build better things for the group and keeping surplus stores for special occasions.

- Intelligence: Sharing information to seek vital locations and specifics within the group

- Take Downs: If need be, using methods to stun using none lethal tools, and even trapping etc

- Role play: Play as your character perhaps you are a mutant from the Biome 38X-cY/o7 etc etc

- Blabber time: In the mood to blabber and get back into focus ok, step right up and sit back and type away, blabber away, but don't be a jerk.... Dragon is listening !!!!

- DNA guide: Group is overwhelming, don't know where to start, blue or green mek?, the DNA guide is
here to help!

- Parties: Every victory is highly encouraged to end with a party jumping up and down, vehicle shuffling and even mek towers etc etc.