I'd like to +1 for a live stream and +1 for weekends too. I have a suggestion for a platform ...
Grummz tested out a new live stream service called Periscope.tv last month a few times. It's pretty cool, if you haven't seen it, check it out (https://www.periscope.tv/Grummz/1zqKVNAoLnnKB?t=128)! It archives your streams, so those who cannot participate with you live, can go back and watch them later.
Some of the other Periscope users who I've watched have been known to live stream for hours (one streamer was making cake pops from start to finish). Periscope.tv's FAQ "The Basics" even says that your stream can be as long as you want, or as long as your battery/provider will allow; you use your phone to live stream. Periscope is also allowing users to determine if their live streams are permanent, or expire in 24 hours. Folks tuning in can even participate live by asking questions via text and the streamer can decide to show those questions on the screen for everyone, or not.
It seems like it could be a GREAT tool to try and Grummz stream from the comfort of his car, office, or home by using his phone!
Just a thought.