MASS / PWR / CPU - Take the power back!
mah, you can think of this 1 as a rant post if ya want...
...I'd VERYMUCHLIKETHATTHANKYOU if the devs find some way that is like/similar to the method in Open Beta FF, though with a better and/or greater control for/to the players (which should make individual style more so).
MASS - the max mass an omni can carry before it all starts slowing the frame down (may compensate some with extra power allocation or processor priorities or smt). aside from the obvious slow down maybe affect the omni's turn speed (if legs too hvy or smt) or slow melee or longer aim time if arms
PWR - literally "the juice that keeps it all going" (reactor dependant, + other factors). would we like to be able to mess with it...YEEESSS!! we want it we want it complex...NO THANK YOU...
that said, being able to mess around with the prw allocation settings (aside from ATT/DEF/MOV ofc) would be nice so maybe simply making a set of categories (like Movement (such as combat and travel movement); Armaments (such as weapons and abilities); Shields (such as protective shields and life support) or/nad a few others) and then make the "increment in power given affect ALL Aspects of said category equally in some way", such as the increment in power to ARMAMENTS is equally distributed between weapons and abilities or some such
ofc, straining the reactor by maxin' out consumption should also be reflected in some way (like overheat for guzzling over longer times, and instant shutdown for insta-power-slurps)
CPU - if it's got a computer inside, then it needs two things to function...juice (covered earlier), and processing power (weather hard or soft ware
). this could regulate the max number of active tasks (omnies with insuficient CPU power may need to "stop shooting to activate an ability before shooting again" or "the max number of active "passives" at any given time" or some such).
the main reason i'm hung on it is because in Open Beta Firefall you couldn't "wear all purple" even when u maxed the frame. THIS Amazingly Simple Rrestriction-Thingy caused the players to really start thinking "how much of each do they want" which created an amazing plethora of individual works. after launch it just become an annoying "DPS Hunt" there you have it