6 things that will make Ember a must play for me.

What are 6 things that will make Ember perfect for me.

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Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
Other than maybe customization and sci fi weapons, none of the options are about the actual gameplay, and heck, you can have pretty great game even without the customization and with just standard rifles and shotguns...

So basically op doesn't care what game they make, as long as it has these superficial criteria that don't really effect much? I feel like op might be a fan of majority of games out there, which is not a bad thing, but I just find it weird that specifically those requirements are the most important. For each his own, I suppose :)
Likes: Sik San


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
So we are to list 6 things Ember must have and are provided exactly 6 choices, seems like OP is pushing an agenda. I only have two real requirements; Well balanced horizontal progression and an in depth and compelling storyline.
Jul 26, 2016
What the hell are they getting for those achievement points that they do not even care about a game after getting those? Sounds like they don't even care about the game very much, to begin with.
Put a few three to five year olds in front of an assortment of toy bricks.
Some of them will play with them.
Some of them will toss them all over the place.
Some of them will neatly stack them up.
Some of them will chew on them.
At least one will fall asleep on or near them.

It's the same with videogames.
Everyone has fun their own way.

Silv3r Shadow

Max Kahuna
Max Kahuna
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 29, 2016
Armies sizes to be very large.
Firefall never received the love for armies. I know that this was something valued by those with armies.
Jul 27, 2016
What the hell are they getting for those achievement points that they do not even care about a game after getting those? Sounds like they don't even care about the game very much, to begin with.
The satisfaction of completing a game 100% if you do all of them. It used to be a big focus on Steam way before the introduction of playing cards and Steam levels, etc. Achievements can also be a good way to get more play time out of your games if you treat them like optional objectives. They're a good way to pass time if you have nothing else going on.
Jul 31, 2016
Voted for Mod support and customization.

"Support for community made mods. Lets be real, sometimes, players make better games than devs"
Agree here, community made mods are often a blessing to games.

"Lots of Achievements. No less than 100 at least."
Personally I don't care about achievements...unless it's an..you know...actual achievement or something really fun.
WoW with the "hug a player you just killed before he release" or "nosedive" and "indecent exposure" from TESO.

"More Achievements added in-game and on steam later on as more content is released."

See above.

"Steam support and integration."
Would be nice to have that including WorkShop for mods...but as have already been mentioned...Valve takes a 1/3 cut of the cake on any sale...which is not a good thing to start with at least.

"Lots of customization. I want the full RPG effect while enjoying a FPS."
Yes please, lots and lots of customization as long as it doesn't cross the line into the infernal domain of "Min-Max"
and "DURRRRR...ME-TAH" hell.

"A good sci-fi feel for weapons. I don't care for your basic shotguns, assault rifles etc."
Naaah, I'm kinda the other way around...classic/basic weapons with a Sci-Fi feel....and of course a selection of whacky weapons....Unreal Tournament, Duke Nukem 3D :D
Put a few three to five year olds in front of an assortment of toy bricks.
Some of them will play with them.
Some of them will toss them all over the place.
Some of them will neatly stack them up.
Some of them will chew on them.
At least one will fall asleep on or near them.

It's the same with videogames.
Everyone has fun their own way.
Or bang their eye off it. (Dylan Moran bit).


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I'd like to have back tiki torch but call it Emki Torch its a blend of Ember alien artifact with the tribal ancestors markings.

This will make people dance and know we mean business :eek:
Jul 28, 2016
What I want in the game is a level of unpredictability. Put things in without telling us (enemy behavior changes or enemy types). Most updates we would know about, but some would be surprises.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I really think they need a super mario kart style mode to pass the time i probably mentioned this loads of times
but i thought i'll mention it again!



Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Achievements don't need to be in the game unless they are actually challenging and unorthodox to get. When I see asinine nonsense like "reached level 10" or "earned 1000 gold" I know game devs are starving for ideas. Those aren't achievements; they're just grocery lists. They cheapen the definition of the word and devalue our time and motivation as gamers. They're frankly insulting.

Make REAL achievements, like "beat the sniper ambush with only melee weapons" or "defeat the artillery convoy without using your jump jets" or something similar--CHALLENGES that demand you play in a difficult or handicapped way or have you going off the beaten path to do something unusual and tricky; you know, stuff that WON'T be automatically done by every player without trying.

I digress. My 6 things?

-Horizontal progression. Sidegrades only; no upgrades. No compromise on this.
-Variety in EVERYTHING. not just weapons; tech, equipment, modules, terrain, enemies, allies, goals, threats, all of it.
-Reactivity. I'm tired of a game where I can drop a carpet bomb on a battlefield and everything stands there, lifebar decreasing.
-Danger. I want foes who are after our HEADS so I have a REASON to master my Ominframe's combat functions.
-Voices, if any, that aren't grating to the ears of anyone who's had an actual conversation in the last ten years.
-A UI whose mission is to tell you what you need to know, when you need it, at no other time and then GET OUT OF THE WAY.


Tsi-Hu Hunter
Aug 5, 2016
hey whats up budley. haven't seen you since like.....firefall the end of patch 1.3 when I left. good to see you in ember forum. I liked your list. I am sorry but I voted on everything. it was good. we should have it all imo.


Death Reaper
Jul 27, 2016
But achievements can be the perfect tools to enhance the game and get people to play outside of their comfort zone, only to expand their comfort zone to incorporate new ways to play the game and have more variation to stave off boredom. Put up achievements for using things effectively and give out a reward for each different playstyle with each class. The rewards should mostly be cosmetic in nature I think.
Achievements don't need to be in the game unless they are actually challenging and unorthodox to get. When I see asinine nonsense like "reached level 10" or "earned 1000 gold" I know game devs are starving for ideas. Those aren't achievements; they're just grocery lists. They cheapen the definition of the word and devalue our time and motivation as gamers. They're frankly insulting.

Make REAL achievements, like "beat the sniper ambush with only melee weapons" or "defeat the artillery convoy without using your jump jets" or something similar--CHALLENGES that demand you play in a difficult or handicapped way or have you going off the beaten path to do something unusual and tricky; you know, stuff that WON'T be automatically done by every player without trying.
I agree with these two, only such achievements are beneficial for game :)

-Horizontal progression. Sidegrades only; no upgrades. No compromise on this.
I think it is better to have very small Vertical progression, but no more than 150% power of starter equipment (so you still feel that you are stronger, very little, but still, that is enough for right atmosphere in gameplay :) ). Through unlocking more Mass/Power/CPU for your Omniframe (like in old beta FF, but not so expensive). I remember that in old beta FF you could equip starter battleframe with basic equipment and fight alongside fully equiped battleframe and you still make big impact on enemy forces :) And of course this game need very refined horizontal progression with many posibilities.
Aug 1, 2016
What I want in the game is a level of unpredictability. Put things in without telling us (enemy behavior changes or enemy types). Most updates we would know about, but some would be surprises.
Enemy behaviour changes without telling you means that it's only a surprise after an update.
Enemy behaviour changes during the game could be made. So enemies have a standard behaviour they pick 99% of the time but that 1% of the time an entire spawn will have deviant behaviour. I use these small numbers because like almost any game out there I expect the player to be murdering enemies by the dozen, going through spawns really fast (see FireFall where you defeated a dozen spawns during a single thumper already). If 1 in 100 spawns is different, people will already start expecting and preparing for that eventuality because in a single playsession they are already likely to come across one, so 1% deviant spawns is already too much, and the entire feature falls flat on it's face. You would be better off with using one "general" behaviour that happens 60% of the time, and 4 deviant behaviours that happen 10% of the time each to prevent the game from going stale too soon.

The problem with having a group of deviants once in a blue moon is that most players will feel cheated. Most players don't really want their enemies to suddenly kick their butt out of the blue because the enemy suddenly doesn't do what you expect them to, they want to know what to expect and when to expect it.
If you do want them to have different behaviour they need to have markings and tell-tale signs (other than them mauling you to death because you aren't prepared). Their exact changed behaviour doesn't need to be standard, but they should have wildly different colourings and/or HUD warnings and/or sounds that will immediately tell the player "this isn't standard, pay attention".
Likes: OziriusSVK


Aug 31, 2016
Not so sure about modding.. developing proper interface for quick modifications is a must have anyway- you want to have a quick and easy way to shape your game a you see fit, it's a no brainer...

BUT, opening it up for all people is not so wise. I could get behind visual mods like in Warframe though...


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Enemy behaviour changes without telling you means that it's only a surprise after an update.
Enemy behaviour changes during the game could be made. So enemies have a standard behaviour they pick 99% of the time but that 1% of the time an entire spawn will have deviant behaviour. I use these small numbers because like almost any game out there I expect the player to be murdering enemies by the dozen, going through spawns really fast (see FireFall where you defeated a dozen spawns during a single thumper already). If 1 in 100 spawns is different, people will already start expecting and preparing for that eventuality because in a single playsession they are already likely to come across one, so 1% deviant spawns is already too much, and the entire feature falls flat on it's face. You would be better off with using one "general" behaviour that happens 60% of the time, and 4 deviant behaviours that happen 10% of the time each to prevent the game from going stale too soon.

The problem with having a group of deviants once in a blue moon is that most players will feel cheated. Most players don't really want their enemies to suddenly kick their butt out of the blue because the enemy suddenly doesn't do what you expect them to, they want to know what to expect and when to expect it.
If you do want them to have different behaviour they need to have markings and tell-tale signs (other than them mauling you to death because you aren't prepared). Their exact changed behaviour doesn't need to be standard, but they should have wildly different colourings and/or HUD warnings and/or sounds that will immediately tell the player "this isn't standard, pay attention".
The problem with putting such behaviors on a random die is just that--they're random. This will just lead to behaviors that more often than not make no sense and leave us going "wtf are these idiot mobs doing?" While we mow them for being absolutely stupid. There is no point in putting stupid enemies in a game where we have cover, flight, and a huge variety of weapon types. It's much more challenging and thus more satisfying if enemies are programmed to be intelligent enough to use the terrain to their advantage, respond appropriately to our attacks and perform at least a basic battlefield analysis of the situation so they can at least TRY to fight back in a believable manner. Bugs and other simple animals might not have a head for complex battlefield strategy, but any sentient species, especially one with the power to shift through realities, had damn well better have some basic sense and threat recognition when it comes to combat.
Jul 28, 2016
Enemy behaviour changes without telling you means that it's only a surprise after an update.
Enemy behaviour changes during the game could be made. So enemies have a standard behaviour they pick 99% of the time but that 1% of the time an entire spawn will have deviant behaviour. I use these small numbers because like almost any game out there I expect the player to be murdering enemies by the dozen, going through spawns really fast (see FireFall where you defeated a dozen spawns during a single thumper already). If 1 in 100 spawns is different, people will already start expecting and preparing for that eventuality because in a single playsession they are already likely to come across one, so 1% deviant spawns is already too much, and the entire feature falls flat on it's face. You would be better off with using one "general" behaviour that happens 60% of the time, and 4 deviant behaviours that happen 10% of the time each to prevent the game from going stale too soon.

The problem with having a group of deviants once in a blue moon is that most players will feel cheated. Most players don't really want their enemies to suddenly kick their butt out of the blue because the enemy suddenly doesn't do what you expect them to, they want to know what to expect and when to expect it.
If you do want them to have different behaviour they need to have markings and tell-tale signs (other than them mauling you to death because you aren't prepared). Their exact changed behaviour doesn't need to be standard, but they should have wildly different colourings and/or HUD warnings and/or sounds that will immediately tell the player "this isn't standard, pay attention".
They did this in the beta of Firefall. It has a realistic effect because in a real war you never know what to expect (the enemy does not announce "hey we have an update incoming"). It's an expansion of the dynamic game. This would not be done on a large basis, only once in a while. Also, I liked the unpredictability of the Sunken Harbor watchtower event and the enemy streaming in from the melding.
Aug 1, 2016
The problem with putting such behaviors on a random die is just that--they're random. This will just lead to behaviors that more often than not make no sense and leave us going "wtf are these idiot mobs doing?" While we mow them for being absolutely stupid.
Randomized behaviour that works, obviously. You aren't going to code randomized behaviour that's actually random, you are going to code several behaviour patterns that work for that type of unit, then have them randomly assigned. Most will get the standard template, once in a while a group gets one of the alternate templates.

There is no point in putting stupid enemies in a game where we have cover, flight, and a huge variety of weapon types. It's much more challenging and thus more satisfying if enemies are programmed to be intelligent enough to use the terrain to their advantage, respond appropriately to our attacks and perform at least a basic battlefield analysis of the situation so they can at least TRY to fight back in a believable manner. Bugs and other simple animals might not have a head for complex battlefield strategy, but any sentient species, especially one with the power to shift through realities, had damn well better have some basic sense and threat recognition when it comes to combat.
Enemies are already randomly selecting how they move, where they move and how they fire. This is guided by their behaviour to limit and steer their capabilities and prevent them from doing stupid things. But these alternate behaviours could help change the gameplay. Just as an example, these alternate behaviours could be coupled to elite units. The moment a spawn gets assigned the alternate behaviour, they also spawn as elites.

They did this in the beta of Firefall. It has a realistic effect because in a real war you never know what to expect (the enemy does not announce "hey we have an update incoming"). It's an expansion of the dynamic game. This would not be done on a large basis, only once in a while. Also, I liked the unpredictability of the Sunken Harbor watchtower event and the enemy streaming in from the melding.
So rather than "only changes per update" you mean something along the lines of "every X days/weeks the behaviour patterns of the Tissue's will change, lore will support this as that they learn and adapt to their enemies".