The light novels are so much better then the show. The show was faithful to the light novels up till season 3. Season 3 is when it went down the classic anime divergent plotline bullshit with throwing out core character development events, incorporating later villains into the story during a time period when they were not relevant nor should they even be there to begin with, and throwing in anime only content not possible in the light novels at the point in time the plot was at.
That said...
The ladies in the series are quite lovely, and the series has its own card game app. If only the anime had stayed more faithful to the light novels, it would have had immensely more support and gone quite the distance.
At the very least it started a (small) trend of harem animes with main characters who are not indecisive beta failures who can only ignore the ladies romantic advancements (due to being so indecisive!) while forcing the writers to create accident situations for fanservice.