Search results

  1. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    *blinks* @Torgue_Joey what did you eat to require this kinda setting? /bad joke couldn't resist
  2. Degiance

    Cool and quite possibly inspirational stuff (But no politics)

    This is both cool and funny
  3. Degiance


  4. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    The owl is so careful even with those razor sharp talons.
  5. Degiance

    Emberize the Memes

    Now to think of another funny thing, it's odd how i can think of funny stuff shooting things in-games.
  6. Degiance

    Cool and quite possibly inspirational stuff (But no politics)

    I like how Mike Plumb ends the interview by saying:"I did what i was suppose to do." Talking about setting a high standard or something it's rather inspirational ^^
  7. Degiance


    What happens when i take a screenshot from a game xD
  8. Degiance


    RDR2 the good ending and redemption..
  9. Degiance

    possible trailer script for em-8er

    The first clip idea was happening in space so it doesn't work in reverse unless you intend to blast your way back in to the ship to die and get torn to death by the kai-ju that were inside the ship you needed to kill before blasting trough to get to the omniframe, unless your one of the crew men...
  10. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    This would have been a better fit for the cool and inspirational thread. As it's more cool than funny or cute ^^ If i'm allowed to say that
  11. Degiance


  12. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    *stares for a second, looks back at the headline:"Basketball anyone?"* OH! I get it! xD I guess the body positivity movement went abit overboard with this one. /bad joke couldn't resist