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  1. Despair
  2. Despair

    FireFall Community Memory Dump

    I remember it like yesterday....this hours and hours of not playing this game... (I never get tired of stating that i didnt play it xD)
  3. Despair

    Forum Titles and 3D Printer Files

    You are a Random stranger from the Internet wanting my 3D printed figure? Of course! You can have it after i passed last word shall then be: "Em-8er"
  4. Despair

    Forum Titles and 3D Printer Files

    Yey 3D printer Files! Even if it takes my kidney, I'll get them printed.
  5. Despair

    What happened in Red5?

    You Sir sound like a wise man, but this is the internet and wise people don't exist here. Therefore, you are not real.
  6. Despair

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for double banning
  7. Despair

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for not beeing a pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rainbows
  8. Despair

    New Warframe Trailer - What Em-8ER is and is not.

    Hopefully Anthem will fill this spot after i got tired from playing Warframe
  9. Despair

    New Warframe Trailer - What Em-8ER is and is not.

    Still...I played and recorded it today for my channel. Guess it's worth it for a little while.
  10. Despair

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    Do not worry young sephiroth. Noone on the Internet would ever be offended by this.
  11. Despair

    New Warframe Trailer - What Em-8ER is and is not.

    Thanks Ill use Warframe for the waiting time xD
  12. Despair

    Instance debate

    Do you know Azuregos or Lord Kazzak of the Vanilla Version of World of Warcraft? They were outside of instances and gave you a debuff after you died...your were unable to get into the fight for 10 Minutes after your death. (Or you were permanently frozen or one shot again) These world bosses...
  13. Despair

    Please ignore

    Nox you are on YouTube commenting streaming stuff! I unveiled your true identity!
  14. Despair

    Looking for Anime/Chibi Artist

    I found someone for my First Order. But this won't be the Last one this year.
  15. Despair

    Please ignore

    We need many blindfolds and a Lot of vodoo dolls
  16. Despair

    What can Em8er learn from Firefalls' model?

    Perfect. I never liked PvP, but played mostly MMORPGs, which are a Bit different.
  17. Despair

    Please ignore

    People like you
  18. Despair

    What can Em8er learn from Firefalls' model?

    PVP might be funny in an arena later when the pve aspect is polished enough. ^^
  19. Despair

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    Please Mark make this a Minipet for the Kickstarter campaign!
  20. Despair

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    It's fake...they have wings.