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  1. N

    Poll: How much do you think this round be overfunded by?

    Not positive but this sounds dirty. #stalkRonyn2016
  2. N

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    Don't get me started on The Division. Especially now that the only person who was ever helpful on their forums (a CM) is leaving the company. Now they want to finally put up a test server so we can do what they never bothered to do prior to launch and for the first six months it was out. I...
  3. N

    Ronyn is now Ember's Community Manager. Congrats!

    damn right.... #stalkRonyn2016
  4. N

    Avoid Over-Balancing

  5. N

    ****FireFall Forums ****

    Dude, I didn't even know there forums were still up. Sorry, got banned there years ago for questioning the change in the games direction under The9.
  6. N

    Hello, and glad I found you!

    spiralofhope became spiralofnope very sad indeed
  7. N

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    How dare you insult our Steam middlemen to the great noodle monster in the sky.
  8. N

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    Wait a damn minute..... Does that mean somewhere in game there might be a half sized NitroMidgets NPC bitching about something or insulting Ubisoft? Oh man, that would make my outer bitter old man as happy as my inner child.
  9. N

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

  10. N

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    I liked Blacklight when it was in dev. Then the dastardly dick of destiny violated that game like a drunk blonde at Bill Clintons hotel room. Not the best game to get ruined in development but still it sucks to see them ruined at the very end.
  11. N

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

    That is to be a constant reminder of their failure.
  12. N

    I'm offended!

    Feeling less offended today. At least I still likely offended somebody else.
  13. N

    In game MP3 player

    The ability to have my own music was a great feature in Burnout Paradise. Loved that option.
  14. N

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    HAM...... mmmmmm delicious ham.
  15. N

    Milestone II - Aug 29, We're building a Playable Mockup (with video)

    Wait, what kind of amount money are we talking about again?
  16. N

    New Ember players should be called....Embryos...

    Embryo, sperm, I don't give a damn. They are hear and interested in the future of the game. That is all that I care about. That, and stalking Ronyn.
  17. N

    6 things that will make Ember a must play for me.

    Dev tracker in game? I want to know what server they are on and where to find Ronyn, to stalk. I was told get a hobby but not to spend too much money. It seemed like an economical solution.
  18. N

    What games you feels the should play while making Ember?

    Don't touch The Division until October after they have released 1.4 since they have finally admitted that they fucked the game up steadily since 1.1 was released. No sense in playing until you know what is getting changed. Besides, the loot drops are still pure shit.