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  1. N

    Happy Birthday Earth Soldier!

    Happy Birthday +1. Now that I think of it threads like this can go on for an entire year like the last post wins thread. Earth_Soldier, you won't regret it. Well, you might but at that point none of us will listen to your pleading.
  2. N

    The Last Post Wins

    They both just dilute my alcohol and that just pisses me off. Same goes for ice cubes.
  3. N

    Ember launch in 3 days! Hype!

    First AgentSmith says he owes me a beer and I spend days checking my mail only to find no beer and now this. Now I know how spiralofhope must have felt when faced with spiralofnope. ADD protect me from disappointment yet again!
  4. N

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    I shall return the loot I was given as well as reallocated potentially from Mark's past company for the benefit of myself and all my realm if it means I can have an extra THMPR bust. Not saying I condone asset redistribution but that if the offer was accepted I hypothetically may or may not be...
  5. N

    ****FireFall Forums ****

    Well let's be honest, the game is on borrowed time now so why continue to put time into it if at any moment it might all be turned off? I am not saying spamming their forum is the thing to do, just that the game officially has no hope of ever being even good now that there are no developers...
  6. N

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    I believe at the speed this drive took off somebody needs to photoshop this bus into to the Ember Bus.
  7. N

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

    Yeah, those were some crazy corrupt motherfuckers! I couldn't believe that they were let back onto Steam like that.
  8. N

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    Anybody see where they left this thread? Oh, right here.
  9. N

    Any of you play dwarf fortress?

    Are you trolling me?
  10. N

    Happy Birthday Earth Soldier!

    Oh don't worry. You can't offend me. Well, outside of that I'm Offended thread at least. Let's just rejoice that The Soldier is another year older and we will assume wiser (not required) for it all.
  11. N

    Why must you play with my emotion? I only have one and it isn't nice to pick on the club footed...

    Why must you play with my emotion? I only have one and it isn't nice to pick on the club footed mouth breathing bastard.
  12. N

    Gliding - Should our Mechs need pads, at all?

    The Dude abides. a note of trivia those flip flops were ones he actually owned at the time
  13. N

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    Perhaps TheDragonMonkey wishes to adopt me and I can sit around playing video games all day or drunk floating in the pool like Billy Madison? Seems like they have money they can spare.
  14. N

    Happy Birthday Earth Soldier!

    Wow, you got a banner. I didn't get shit from the forums for my birthday. Given my #stalkRonyn2016 thing I can see why. Let's face it, I can be a complete asshole as long as it humors me. I know that if somebody has a cold soar one year on their birthday you should not make it a point of...
  15. N

    Happy Birthday Earth Soldier!

    Happy birthday.
  16. N

    Milestone II - Aug 29, We're building a Playable Mockup (with video)

    I checked my mail and there was no beer. Will check again after work.
  17. N

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

    Yeah, that's the chain of bastards!
  18. N

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

    If they get enough complaints they will pull a game. What zombie survival game had so many issues it was pulled and then re-released with a different name but the same issues? Stupid brain, you remember useless shit but this one time I need you and you get all eff you. Sorry, wandering off topic...
  19. N

    #stalkRonyn2016 So can I have a half sized NPC who sells weapons named NitroMidgets in the...

    #stalkRonyn2016 So can I have a half sized NPC who sells weapons named NitroMidgets in the game? He can be a bitter veteran of some sort of NCO rank if it works for Mark. Just saying.
  20. N

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    Not saying it is impossible, just that I have not seen it pulled off correctly yet. At least one other game in development right now has simply given items dual stats. One for PVE and one for PVP that if you are browsing your inventory you can toggle between them. They are treating them as two...