Search results

  1. Nunaden

    6 things that will make Ember a must play for me.

    I want my achievements!!! And Mods! And more Achievements!! and Customisable guns! and... Oh, did i mention MORE ACHIEVEMENTS? Yeah... stuff said. And pls make some easter egg achievements xD Kinda like stage fright or something like that xD suggestion: helping an ares pilot from FF to find a...
  2. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause i don't give a fuck!
  3. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    cops that like nazis and don't like anti-fascists... (thats how it is here in germany _._)
  4. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    Sombra is speaking to us O.O
  5. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    an auto-aim AA-Missle xD
  6. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    dreadnaugth class ship ^^
  7. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    elite gunsmith mortar call :3 25 mortar shells raining on your head ^^
  8. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^bannec 'Cause none gives a fuck 'bout words and jsut understands violence!
  9. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    a mountain giant (from the LOTR universe... they are even bigger than the Olog-Hai O.O (the war trolls bred in mordor) They also are amble to lift a 2m x 2m x 2m stone out of the ground)
  10. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    a dude with an RPD or PKP mowing everything down.
  11. Nunaden

    Corrupt a wish

    you get a do over, but it fails ^^ i wish Contract Wars 2 Standalone and Escape from Tarkov were already released
  12. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

  13. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause... why?
  14. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned cause i aint a problem with that unless you get annoying...
  15. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause i seem to be more social.....
  16. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    schrödingers cat ^^
  17. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    schrödingers cat
  18. Nunaden


    combat wear
  19. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    toxic gases produced by plants
  20. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    Noob crying "Promoteed!!! PRommoootteeeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and Colonel kills him with his double bipod knife xD