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  1. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for not stopping to talk 'bout christian-shit... the only devil and the only god are the humans...
  2. Nunaden

    Community game night poll

    there are no private servers for robocraft. You can make platoons/parties with max 5 players. The game runs on the servers of FJ only
  3. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause there is no god beneath the humanity! Humans are the only gods!
  4. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause being on fire is unhealthy
  5. Nunaden

    Questions about customisation and the arsenal

    Hello? We'Re in the fucking future! We got better Ballistic-glass! And i want a big shield made of it! A BIG SHIELD!!!!!! WITH 10 TO 20cm THICK BALLISTIC GLASS!!!!! AND I WANT TAHT THE GLASS IS HARDER THAN THE NANO-FIBERS!!!!!! I WANT MY OP SHIELD!!!! *starts gunzerking with 2 bandit weapons :3*...
  6. Nunaden

    Questions about customisation and the arsenal

    WEll... since we're talking about shields.. why not a shield with 4-5cm thick ballistic glass, like the Ballistic-Shields in reallife just far more thicker. xD i Think that even a tsihu in beastmode would need a while to break one of those... :3
  7. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause he doesn't need the fire extinguisher 'cause im not on fire ^^
  8. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause i got enough of light...
  9. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for criticising ppl for looking somewhere
  10. Nunaden

    Community game night poll

    wow.. you got nuts xD
  11. Nunaden

    Community game night poll

    meh... only me for ol' good cube2? thats sad....
  12. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause... i dunno (too frustrated to think about a legit reason)
  13. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause in know :3
  14. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for thinking that im too incompetent and jealous... _._ (kinda wants me to hit you... though i never would... but i want to)
  15. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for knowing how to ban!
  16. Nunaden

    Corrupt a wish

    you can stand on vehicles that drive 100km/h! But the highway-sign still gets you and your head explodes when you hit it ^^ i wish for anarchy in the USA! #FuckTrump
  17. Nunaden

    The What Beats What Game

    Nikola Tesla!
  18. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned because you want me to not use the word "because", even in shortened....
  19. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause this is the internet, love, not something else!! ^^
  20. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause banned myself is not disallowed! *Pokes her head with the barrel of a shotgun* IT IS NOT!!!!!