Search results

  1. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics "Hey there, Lucy," Bradley says, amiably enough. She hadn't dealt with the girl too often, as she lived on the outskirts of town, but she seemed nice enough... if a bit... off. She gesturies to Kleiss, saying "This here is--well, I suppose I should let...
  2. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics "And I can't help but appreciate a generous customer," she replies with a wide grin, sliding the credits off the counter and into her hand. She deposits them in what must be a drawer behind underneath the countertop, and says, "If you need anything...
  3. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    (lol didn't see this post at all. sorry) Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics "Oh, Red! Hey there," Bradley calls to the freckled young lady, a relatively new (at least compared to the Bradshaws) member of the Burrow. She'd dealt with her before, and found Red to be a sociable, excitable...
  4. Simon K

    Ember RP Resources (Official)

    Technology All of my tech is free to use, but if you didn't reasonably start out in the RP with it, please try to acquire it through roleplaying. That's what we're here for, after all. Update 8-3-16 Bestiary
  5. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics She chuckles a bit at that last comment. "True, although it'd be quite the spectacle." Her smile returns, and she replaces the cover on Kleiss' comms kit. So, she's his partner off-world, then, Emily thinks. That's a relief--wait, what? No, it's not...
  6. Simon K

    I like the cut of your jib.

    I like the cut of your jib.
  7. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics "Oh, absolutely. It's gorgeous tech," Bradley says, admiring his pistol while she reconfigures the comms kit without sparing a glance for it. "I'll have to see if I can get my hands on some," she comments, almost to herself. "Can you imagine how useful...
  8. Simon K

    General RP OOC

    That's a really good idea; I've been thinking about something like that lately, specifically for maps and such. Setting up a thread where we can post weapons, locations, and maps would be great. Especially if it's something anyone can access at all times, like character sheets.
  9. Simon K

    General RP OOC

    You could just as easily edit the existing profile post, or update it.
  10. Simon K

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    What do you want? *grumble grumble*
  11. Simon K

    General RP OOC

    I apologize if my RP thread replies are lengthy in their interim time.
  12. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics Her mouth makes a small 'o' when the kinetic absorption technology goes into effect, and a wide grin spreads across her delicate (if dirty) face. "Impressive tech!" she exclaims. "I absolutely can take a look at your comms kit. I mean--I've heard of...
  13. Simon K

    General RP OOC

    Yo Domo, do you have any plans for any sort of plot? Or were you just gonna let us figure it out on our own?
  14. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    Emily "Bradley" Bradshaw | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics "Yup!" The girl quickly appraises him, smiling the whole while. "You can call me Bradley, though. Everyone does." She picks up some unidentifiable bit of machinery from the counter in front of her and begins fiddling with it. How...
  15. Simon K

    Ember RP (Official)

    Emily "Bradley" Bradshaw | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics "New ship?" came a young girl's voice. It oddly emanated from somewhere behind the shop's cluttered counter. "Uh... yeah. Couple of new prospectors," the townsman answered, leaning over the counter to ascertain the whereabouts of said...
  16. Simon K

    Ember RP Character Sheets (Official)

    Name: Emily "Bradley" Bradshaw Gender: Female Age: 18 Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 4' 11" Weight: 115 lb Hair Color: Platinum Eye Color: Brown Appearance
  17. Simon K

    General RP OOC

    So what kind of story is there even for Ember right now, and concurrently, its RP?
  18. Simon K

    General RP OOC

    I like how we've all kept our old names as well.
  19. Simon K

    General RP OOC

    It's like coming back home.