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  1. MollilMayhem

    Female Characters

    On of my favorite things in any game is the character creation process...the more involved it is the more fun I have. :D I think in general "fit" body types, more like gymnasts and swimmers, would be preferable to overly-muscled forms (although I did not think Dubbleklik's picture was overly...
  2. MollilMayhem

    Lets get real folks...

    I love belly dance! :D (It's HARD to do!) Somebody please explain to me the apparent fixation of many (men?) with these anime characters that look like 9 year old girls with 20 year old bodies?? (There is just something disturbing about that look to me. o_O)
  3. MollilMayhem

    Yep, alive and kicking, just not playing anything atm. except a little Project Genome...

    Yep, alive and kicking, just not playing anything atm. except a little Project Genome occasionally. I really miss FF but it just got too boring to stand anymore.
  4. MollilMayhem

    Female Characters

    Strong is the new sexy. :) Although strong can take many forms because no matter how hard you train as a woman, without the perfect genetics (or steroid cheating) you simply cannot build huge muscles or even look like that picture. (I know, I've tried :P) I am a fan of body sliders in character...
  5. MollilMayhem

    I had hoped Ember would be Free to Play...

    I have payed subs for about 4 games and pretty much enjoyed every minute of it, even though we were just weekend players and we had 2 people paying...that's $40 a month. My first sub was EQ1 way back when, and then I believe EQ2 was also a sub, although we didn't play that one very long. Next...
  6. MollilMayhem


    well...yes and no. It's hopefully going to be more like what Firefall was originally intended to be (NOT WOW with guns). Similar in combat mechanics and other things that people enjoyed from Firefall, before it got so messed up.
  7. MollilMayhem

    Female Characters

  8. MollilMayhem

    How did you find out about Ember?

    Firefall forums.
  9. MollilMayhem

    Ideas for combining Crixa with Ember.

    Interesting idea :)
  10. MollilMayhem

    Female Characters

    I agree, the hair and faces in Firefall really needed some work! As for the "jiggle-physics", for gods sake don't make the female characters look like four rubber balls held together and bouncing in different directions every time they move! Please.
  11. MollilMayhem

    Avatar Clothing/Skinning in Ember

    I totally agree with this post! As a female gamer, I always play a female character and I would love to have the option to choose the type of 'armor' or clothing my character wears. It never has made any sense to me that female characters have to look like a cross between pinup girls and...
  12. MollilMayhem

    The line between Red5's IP and Crixa's.

    I believe you are correct....they invested in it way back while Mark Kern was still there. Not sure who might have been funding the actual beginning though.....I'm sure there are lots of other folks who know more about it.
  13. MollilMayhem

    The line between Red5's IP and Crixa's.

    I don't know if it's actually "shut down" now...I believe the server is still up and running. They did fire the rest of Red5 as I understand it. As to whether or not it's been sold, I really don't have any information on that. I think The9 still has controlling interest in idea what...
  14. MollilMayhem

    Does Udon art style really fit Ember universe?

    Bleh. Please not that big-eyed nonsense. I do like the Appleseed Ex Machina pic though.
  15. MollilMayhem

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    Is this the Juno of Jake and Juno Daltara? :)
  16. MollilMayhem

    So, what elements do you think will make Ember a spiritual successor of FF?

    "Gliding and other options for flight (eg. in the vein of "Rocketeer's Wings")" (Can't find the "quote" button :() YES...absolutely MUST HAVE flight options!
  17. MollilMayhem

    JOJO's Fan Art Dump

    Yeah, right, LOL. If it's a cosmetic option so the GIRLS can dress up their characters to please themselves I could deal with it, although I personally don't like the idea of running around in a game where the characters look anything like Terra or even like the Mesmers in Guild Wars 2...
  18. MollilMayhem

    JOJO's Fan Art Dump

    oh god, please DON'T have female characters running around in mini-skirts!!!!!!! O.O