Is PvEvP not a viable game style?


Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
The Cycle is an upcoming PvEvP game. Solos and teams will be on a 20 minute timer to complete their randomized mission objectives first. Players will be allowed to PvP in the effort to eliminate or hinder other teams. Wildlife will also be an obstacle in completing objectives.

My pondering is thus: Is there a video game example where PvP & PvE combined into the same match actually worked? Firefall attempted a similar game style with Broken Peninsula. iirc Broken Peninsula unfortunately struggled and did not have a lot of player participation for reasons I can not fully remember. Is it..."fair" to expect the same floundering outcome with The Cycle?

I feel that PvEvP forcefully smashes two different gamer personalities together (PvE & PvP) and expects them to be happy. I get the sense that The Cycle or any game would be much safer to separate PvE and instanced PvP (or at least flagged PvP). The Cycle could keep their PvEvP mode offering it as a separate zone like Broken Peninsula however in my current speculative opinion, I suspect the PvEvP is too narrow of an audience.
Likes: Pandagnome


Ark Liege
Oct 26, 2016
Here's something else that seems to work well. I haven't played it, so I don't know well it's doing (e.g. player count)

Black Desert Online may also have zones that are a free-for-all. (Another game I haven't played.)
Likes: Pandagnome


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
I see your bet and hereby raise you to:

But seriously, a PvEvP gameplay could work and has some interesting mechanics. One, gameplay risks from this mode are high or very high well, because you’d be fighting or avoiding enemy AI as well as other players separately or both. The only way to minimize the pvp is to use the time zone difference between players if it’s possible but there is no guarantee. Depending on how good you are to pull it off, there would be some moments where in the reaction would be priceless and A LOT of video uploads for anyone to see.

However, don’t expect rainbows and sunshine for this one in terms of community reflection, because the results will be very toxic. Elite open play is notorious for this. Just imagine doing mission runs and then a random pirate player or ‘griefer’ sends you to the rebuy screen.
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Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
he results will be very toxic
That is what i worry about, and that focusing on both pve and pvp could end up with more work. Its good that the focus is pve because i would rather have it made to the best and then the pvp/ pvevp
area / server if that is a possibility for the future.

For now i am happy to see the pve but i am not really a pvp player only do it because of certain things such as obtaining specific pvp skins/items for example in apb reloaded, like to tag people so that the team can track someone from the opposite team hiding, but most of all driving a car aimlessly and enjoying the view while another car hits the turbo and flys over my car imagine that sight but with mechs!

Guess he deserved it, respect your mom :D
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Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
I see your bet and hereby raise you to:
(Pantropy Video)
I'm getting a lot of Conan Exiles vibes from Pantropy. While the game looks like it can be great I personally struggle with the genre of crafting from stone age to tech. I prefer mmo's with pre-built facilities like Firefall and Global Agenda.

For now i am happy to see the pve but i am not really a pvp player only do it because of certain things such as obtaining specific pvp skins/items [...]
I like PvP more than PvE but I really need the choice between the two. Games like Unreal Tournament, Battlefield, and Global Agenda were great because I could choose to PvP when I wanted. However in PvEvP such as Conan Exiles or even WoW (contested zones) I'm distracted with looking over my shoulder for incoming nonsensical PvP (ganking, griefing). On the other hand the game Star Citizen is a PvEvP which now that I really think how I feel on that, the space ship radar system and criminal stats on players helps me look past my concerns. Having an appropriate marking system and consequence towards "pirates" helps me look past my concern of griefing/toxicity.
Likes: Pandagnome


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
Destiny 2 has a PvP game mode which is two separate PvE instances, and allows a team to earn a portal to send a player through to mess with the other team.

It was amusing to observe. I personally wouldn't go anywhere near it, but it's different and ought to be a game type that's seriously experimented with.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I'm getting a lot of Conan Exiles vibes from Pantropy. While the game looks like it can be great I personally struggle with the genre of crafting from stone age to tech. I prefer mmo's with pre-built facilities like Firefall and Global Agenda.

I like PvP more than PvE but I really need the choice between the two. Games like Unreal Tournament, Battlefield, and Global Agenda were great because I could choose to PvP when I wanted. However in PvEvP such as Conan Exiles or even WoW (contested zones) I'm distracted with looking over my shoulder for incoming nonsensical PvP (ganking, griefing). On the other hand the game Star Citizen is a PvEvP which now that I really think how I feel on that, the space ship radar system and criminal stats on players helps me look past my concerns. Having an appropriate marking system and consequence towards "pirates" helps me look past my concern of griefing/toxicity.
Almost forgot global agenda it was one of my fave games before getting into firefall.
PvP i'll have to admit was fun especially using the vandals/vindicators in the AvA agency vs agency as they called it.

Pve was fun too liked the boss fights and the raids

Its a shame they stopped supporting it, the other games they made did not interest me as much as global agenda!