The Cycle is an upcoming PvEvP game. Solos and teams will be on a 20 minute timer to complete their randomized mission objectives first. Players will be allowed to PvP in the effort to eliminate or hinder other teams. Wildlife will also be an obstacle in completing objectives.
My pondering is thus: Is there a video game example where PvP & PvE combined into the same match actually worked? Firefall attempted a similar game style with Broken Peninsula. iirc Broken Peninsula unfortunately struggled and did not have a lot of player participation for reasons I can not fully remember. Is it..."fair" to expect the same floundering outcome with The Cycle?
I feel that PvEvP forcefully smashes two different gamer personalities together (PvE & PvP) and expects them to be happy. I get the sense that The Cycle or any game would be much safer to separate PvE and instanced PvP (or at least flagged PvP). The Cycle could keep their PvEvP mode offering it as a separate zone like Broken Peninsula however in my current speculative opinion, I suspect the PvEvP is too narrow of an audience.
My pondering is thus: Is there a video game example where PvP & PvE combined into the same match actually worked? Firefall attempted a similar game style with Broken Peninsula. iirc Broken Peninsula unfortunately struggled and did not have a lot of player participation for reasons I can not fully remember. Is it..."fair" to expect the same floundering outcome with The Cycle?
I feel that PvEvP forcefully smashes two different gamer personalities together (PvE & PvP) and expects them to be happy. I get the sense that The Cycle or any game would be much safer to separate PvE and instanced PvP (or at least flagged PvP). The Cycle could keep their PvEvP mode offering it as a separate zone like Broken Peninsula however in my current speculative opinion, I suspect the PvEvP is too narrow of an audience.