Visual/Damage/Armor Upgrading for the THMPR-Mech

Jul 28, 2016
Dayton, OH
I was looking at the artwork where the THMPR was fighting a mini-kaiju, and a thought occurred to me... what about in addition to upgrading the armor/weapons/stats of the Omniframes, but also doing so for the THMPR. Giving us the ability to increase its survivability, and in addition to the stat changes with the upgrades, give some visual upgrades too. One thing that "stood out", just as an example, is the large screw-head like knuckles, could become visually more like spiked or crown-topped knuckles, for an increase in the damage capacity, additional armor layer and augment shields, etc. In addition, the capacity for the THMPR to harvest ore would increase by a percentage too. Just a thought I wanted to throw out there, what do you all think?


Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
I kinda thought that upgrades on the harvester mech is pretty much a given, although maybe not visual, at least not right away.

Also I hope the upgrades will work with pro and con system, where if say you want to increase the capacity of carried resources, thmpr would then move slower, or if you want to increase its fighting capabilities it would then take longer to harvest the resources.

I would like them to avoid straight out stat upgrades as much as possible. Not saying that shouldn't be done, but it's a slippery slope that have to be approached carefully.


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Your talking about vertical progression @GarettSlayer, Em8er is supposed to be avoiding vertical progression as much as possible. With that said I am sure that the THMPR is going to have fairly robust customization (at some point down the road).
Likes: Manwild


Jul 29, 2016
We should leave some aspect of the game for special events, such as new skins for the THMPR.
As with increasing capacity, thats a definite no. eg: You've played for 12 months, increased your output by 20%. New players into the group would not use there THMPR, or you would not invite them in, or join there groups with standard THMPR's
We should still have something similar to solo and squad tiers, or some auto system that detects the number of ppl in the group, and outputs accordingly, with a setting before you deploy of easy, hard, or mayhem modes.
Aug 14, 2016
Have things like mass, power, speed, and payload capacity be the stats if the harvester mecha and we can change parts out of it to raise and lower abilities in a trade-off effect.
For example
  • Armor adds defence but it also adds mass. The more you raise your defence with armor the heavier your harvester will be. Meaning you'll use more power to carry they extra mass and the extra mass will slow down movement speed.
  • Drillbits effect both digging time and fighting ability going by the size, shape, speed, and mass of the drill. Regardless of the model of drill bit it'll add mass and drain power.
  • Power sources will affect how much power your harvester has and how many systems it run at once (as different things have different power demands just to run and/or to keep running) but different types of power sources will have different capacities and masses.
  • Storage tanks come in many different sizes and have low mass relative to their size when empty. Larger tanks can hold more resources at once but going by what you are carrying you can go over the max mass limit of your harvester's legs easily. Smaller tanks can reduce the risk of this happening but have to be emptied more often meaning you might have to make many more trips.

This way people can tune their harvester to be what they want it to be, while also keeping horizontal progression in the game.
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Likes: GarettSlayer


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
What about materials used for example a certain alloy mixture that can be made then the right % to figure out the balance between strength and how light it can be with modern manufacturing procedures. Maybe would need to unlock a way to manufacture various alloys that have their unique properties or just sticking to the jack of all trade alloy that doesn't excel at any but is the materials used as standard for all.
Likes: GarettSlayer
Jul 28, 2016
Dayton, OH
I wasn't thinking vertical progression with it at all. it would be a horizontal progression thing, and yes, i was thinking utilizing different/rare alloys to increase the strength of the armor in most cases, but it could have a visual effect as well, even if it is a skin color change or texture change, aside from a few extra pieces of mesh added for a more "mean" look lol. Much like what Omnires was talking about above. Essentially, you can tune the THMPR to your play style so it complements how you have your Omniframe tuned. Yes there will be trade-offs Vladplaya, and I think Omnires pretty much nailed what I was saying in my half coherent fighting-off-a-migraine state of mind where I was trying to express the idea, before it poofed into oblivion LOL! I am usually far more articulate than that, but headaches tend to do that to me.
Likes: Pandagnome


Jul 26, 2016
yeah, some form of THMPR "tunning" would add a nice doesn't have to be visual immediately, it's the "modding slots that count"
besides, visuals could be added later by various means BUT would ONLY change the Appearance....this also solves the age old problem of "what item to wear this or the other 1?...the 1 that makes you look more cool...but the other 1 is waaayyyy better...but you look ridiculous it in, GIMME!...". for example if someone wants an Omni like a Sharks' head, why not let them have it...regardless of item(s) slotted it (head).