Not fussed about the change. If it was implemented from the start, I'd doubt anyone would want or mention having an open frame.
Your creating unecessary work for yourselves having to compile open and closed frames. Pick one or the other.
Are we getting mirrors on the battlefield when in combat. I could see ppl on timeout for a grooming session. You won't be able to see yourself from the front without them.
Your creating unecessary work for yourselves having to compile open and closed frames. Pick one or the other.
Are we getting mirrors on the battlefield when in combat. I could see ppl on timeout for a grooming session. You won't be able to see yourself from the front without them.
So, I don't think much of this line of reasoning, having been down it before. People will see other people's front views, and that's enough vanity for people to want to customize their "pilots" I've been down this road before, and WoW proved to me that people like to show off to others more than they care about never seeing their own "front"
I don't regret going open cockpit at all and disagree its a waste. It's the game I want to play, therefore I'll do a better job making it. I've just given an option for those who see it another way, and not an expensive option to produce.
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