There are less than 5 days left of funding for Em-8ER’s 3rd milestone and already
we’ve reached over $47,000 and 500 backers! That’s 230%+ of our goal! (counting Paypal)
BACK NOW! Sunday is the last day of funding! With your help we’ve already raised enough to allow us to create:
Human Male & Female characters
Geesuit Pilot Suits
An Omniframe Gun and modular art pipeline
Tsi-Hu Shapeshifters in humanoid & beast form
Basic shooting & combat
Motion capture animations
Base concepts
Concept and Model a Kaiju giant monster
60k GOAL - Fund the ENTIRE Playable Mockup!
We are so close to the final 60k needed to create the entire playable mockup. As a stretch goal, we are looking to create the entire THMPR encounter: calling down a THMPR mining mech and defending it from waves of shape-shifting alien attacks and defeat a giant kiaju at the end. This sample encounter from the game will be featured in our upcoming Kickstarter to fund the full-time company to produce Em-8ER!
To do it, we need your help to spread the word, back the game, and earn the NEW 60k STRETCH GOAL REWARD: Omniframe 60k-Wings!
Here is a sneak peak of the concept for these unique, collectable wings that will only be unlocked if we reach the 60k goal. Keep in mind that ALL backers will receive these wings if we achieve the goal!
The wings here are pictured in two size. We will be experimenting to see if the wings can be scaled up in flight, and scaled down for walking/running. At the very least they will be the same size as the standard omniframe wings.
All Backers Receive These Stretch Goal Rewards!
Nearly all rewards for stretch goals are unlocked for every backer this milestone (and delivered with final game). If a new backer were to pledge just ONE DOLLAR, they would receive ALL these EXCLUSIVE stretch goals, but ONLY if they back this milestone:
Decals! “Tiki God Mask” and pin-up “Nose Art” decals for your frame.
CHROMA Jets! Alter the color and fx of your jump jets!
Mini Tsi-Hu Beast Pet!
THMPR CHROMA skin! Customizable glow stripes for your THMPR!
Founder Emotes! (3 character, 3 omniframe) exclusive!
CHROMA Omniframe skin! Customize the glows on your Omniframe!
3D Printer files of the Kaiju Beast!
These will never be offered again. This milestone is the only time these will be available. So back now to lock them in. You can do so for as little as a dollar on our IndieGoGo page. ANY amount will work.
FREE PRIZES! Chief Chat with Lead Designer
We are giving away FREE perks as random draws and for answering trivia questions about the lore and gameplay of Em-8ER. Join, Mark Kern, our lead designer, as we discuss Em-8ER’s gameplay and give away prizes. We will have THREE chief chats with prizes in the upcoming days:
Friday, the 30th 12pm PDT
Saturday, the 1st 12pm PDT
Sunday, the 2nd 3pm PDT
Join us for a great time of game dev talk, banter and some great prizes including multiple $500 Base Commander Perks up for grabs!
Thank you again for an amazing 3rd fundraiser. Your support has been incredible and we would not be here today without you. Thank you.