What is your play style?


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Wondering what is your play style and why you like to play that way?

Most times i like to go somewhat slower pace because do not want to miss any secrets/hidden items.
Also when playing slower like to play that support role e.g. as ivara i like the invisible bubble and those zip wire to get
others across places even to avoid a more dense route.

Not only that i can analyze the map and see where to go next than go blindly which i have done often and get to a dead end :O

Slower doesn't mean going full tortoise mode it just makes me want to enjoy the surrounding a bit more i guess :D

Noticed many folks rush rush rush and skip most of the map in warframe i can understand if it was a race mode or a time limit to save someone hmm

Well each to their own play style!
Aug 14, 2016
I'll try to keep things short. But my normal playing style is just like my real life fighting style, a mix of fire style and water style combat. This is why I lean more towards damage dealers like assassins and snipers that can kill enemies in one or two hits. And why I never block attacks but rather I dodge and counterattack.

If you want to think of my fighting style in terms of a kind of a character sheet I would be a person with maxed out attack rating, movement speed, and intuition. With low defense rating but fast recovery time and self healing.

People who are fire style have unmatched power and are always moving, you can't punch a flame because it'll just move out of the way and/or burn you at the same time. And for an idea of water style combat think of things like judo.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Jul 27, 2016


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
In firefall I built my arsenal like a mammoth if that is telling of my play style. I have stated everywhere about my love of tanking and turret mode abilities. Mix a couple of the firecat abilities with a heavy in Em-8ER would be sweet. And everyone needs access to afterburner type ability lol.
Oct 29, 2016
DoT type, apparently, I spam too much Saryn in Warframe and Caustic in Apex. But then again, I also spam Techies in DotA 2. Either it's trapper or DoT, both would be nice.

Edit : But of course, immobile tank, or artilerry shooting from afar, like the turret-mode in FF
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Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
my playstyle varies based on the speed of the game and pacing of the gameplay. I normally play support characters or the "jack of all trades" because I like to help people be awesome and I do not always commit the time to practice my aim to be proficient with assault classes. Ultimately I think it boils down to how many choices I have during combat.

Global Agenda: This is really the only outlier here because I played the Assault almost solely. I found it enjoyable to really press the enemy lines while the medic players kept me rolling. I normally play the support but I struggled with the medic class and did not feel like I had a lot of options. The assault felt natural as I knew how not to overextend and keep my medics alive. I felt like I had more control as an Assault; less control as a Medic because teammates often dove the control points which in GA was always suicide. (I stopped playing because pvp queues were too long).

Overwatch: Of course Mercy comes to mind because she has the option to either heal or buff allies. The choice of switching between buff/heal during the fray of combat was always there. Using improved damage at the risk of teammate death and if I trusted the teammate to not miss their shots or overextend was enjoyable. Mercy's pistol also dealt a fair amount of damage too. I also played Zarya because she's a strong support character capable of preventing a lot of damage and deaths while in turn retaliating with high damage output. (I stopped playing because too often the team strategy was to wait for ultimates to be charged then dive in; I often felt like I was playing with a bunch of chickens who didn't trust their support and put too much strategy on their ultimates).

Firefall: really I solely played the medic class from closed beta to shutdown. I could gear up for full healing or mixed damage. Jetpack mobility gave me an enormous amount of maneuvering choices and damage evasion. Players seemed to have a general sense that overextending is bad however Firefall allowed medics to gear up for dive ins which was totally exhilarating (and when players recognized their temporary pocket medic...some heroic moments there) [overheal was sooo good]. As a medic I found great enjoyment learning my teammates on-the-fly; I had to understand if they were combat hungry, timid fighters, good shots, all so I could change how I maneuver, gear up, and how I chose to support them so they are the best they can be. I found FF's medic to be the best gameplay experience in a shooter. I could heal teammates, assist in damage output, and risk my jetpack fuel for improved benefits at the cost of being stuck grounded and more vulnerable.

I am extremely glad Firefall abilities will return for Em8er.
Bio-Rifle for damage and healing (would swap damage output for overheal or damage buff depending on whats happening).
Healing Wave for flash healing and pushing enemies. Also great for delaying damage by pushing enemies off elevated surfaces.
Healing Ball useable for short distance healing. Also useful for long distance predictable heals down hallways and for teammates who are combat aware enough to jump and catch a long "hail mary" pass.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself a pocket medic exactly. I keep my eyes open for teammates that need help and if I believe the person I'm following will survive until I come back I'll detach in an instant. I'm more of a "who needs me" and "who has promise" medic. I try not to spread myself too thin which is another choice in itself; I aim for keeping my team confidence and moral up but will gladly dive in if you can handle the pressure! I'm there for YOU! o7
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
my playstyle varies based on the speed of the game and pacing of the gameplay. I normally play support characters or the "jack of all trades" because I like to help people be awesome and I do not always commit the time to practice my aim to be proficient with assault classes. Ultimately I think it boils down to how many choices I have during combat.

Global Agenda: This is really the only outlier here because I played the Assault almost solely. I found it enjoyable to really press the enemy lines while the medic players kept me rolling. I normally play the support but I struggled with the medic class and did not feel like I had a lot of options. The assault felt natural as I knew how not to overextend and keep my medics alive. I felt like I had more control as an Assault; less control as a Medic because teammates often dove the control points which in GA was always suicide. (I stopped playing because pvp queues were too long).

Overwatch: Of course Mercy comes to mind because she has the option to either heal or buff allies. The choice of switching between buff/heal during the fray of combat was always there. Using improved damage at the risk of teammate death and if I trusted the teammate to not miss their shots or overextend was enjoyable. Mercy's pistol also dealt a fair amount of damage too. I also played Zarya because she's a strong support character capable of preventing a lot of damage and deaths while in turn retaliating with high damage output. (I stopped playing because too often the team strategy was to wait for ultimates to be charged then dive in; I often felt like I was playing with a bunch of chickens who didn't trust their support and put too much strategy on their ultimates).

Firefall: really I solely played the medic class from closed beta to shutdown. I could gear up for full healing or mixed damage. Jetpack mobility gave me an enormous amount of maneuvering choices and damage evasion. Players seemed to have a general sense that overextending is bad however Firefall allowed medics to gear up for dive ins which was totally exhilarating (and when players recognized their temporary pocket medic...some heroic moments there) [overheal was sooo good]. As a medic I found great enjoyment learning my teammates on-the-fly; I had to understand if they were combat hungry, timid fighters, good shots, all so I could change how I maneuver, gear up, and how I chose to support them so they are the best they can be. I found FF's medic to be the best gameplay experience in a shooter. I could heal teammates, assist in damage output, and risk my jetpack fuel for improved benefits at the cost of being stuck grounded and more vulnerable.

I am extremely glad Firefall abilities will return for Em8er.
Bio-Rifle for damage and healing (would swap damage output for overheal or damage buff depending on whats happening).
Healing Wave for flash healing and pushing enemies. Also great for delaying damage by pushing enemies off elevated surfaces.
Healing Ball useable for short distance healing. Also useful for long distance predictable heals down hallways and for teammates who are combat aware enough to jump and catch a long "hail mary" pass.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself a pocket medic exactly. I keep my eyes open for teammates that need help and if I believe the person I'm following will survive until I come back I'll detach in an instant. I'm more of a "who needs me" and "who has promise" medic. I try not to spread myself too thin which is another choice in itself; I aim for keeping my team confidence and moral up but will gladly dive in if you can handle the pressure! I'm there for YOU! o7

In Global agenda my fave was the Assault too using the helot mini gun and super smash boost it was fun pushing things away and knocking them back was great fun and using that bubble to buy some time when holding a point.

The medic was fun too liked using the nanite healing gun since i could top them up with a heal over time instead of the heal beam while supporting with the pew pew.

Haven't really played overwatch but like the look of the robo one hmm

Firefall mostly between medic and mammoth tank but all the classes were nicely made. Never great as a recon sniper though using a p90 and running around was good fun its why i like playing as ivara in warframe and using a baza in that way and her utilities.

Hope Em8er would be easy to switch frames and the profiles with many profiles?
In warframe for example 3 profiles per frame including the weapons and pets though its better to have more and a hotkey to switch profiles before beginning.
Likes: Omnires
Dec 15, 2016
Likes: Omnires


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 29, 2016
Zone of Bones, Australia
I prefer running a support class, but still having enough damage output and health to hold my own. I'd be out there repairing damaged and fallen mechs and protecting operators waiting for a new mech to drop.

Depending on how the mechanics work though, I love playing a lone sniper behind the enemy lines taking out unsuspecting enemies and capturing points. Planetside 2 and Firefall's Amazon was good for that.
Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
Lol, that reminds me of the early days of FireFall when I have my walking bomb Mammoth build. Tell me if anyone remembers this build. A mammoth with a maxed out armor and health, using teleport to pop up in the middle of a group of enemies casting a shield bobble (laster renamed Thunderdom) to trap all the nearby enemies close them, before using max range Absorb Bomb. I loved that build before it got nerfed to hell.

I prefer running a support class, but still having enough damage output and health to hold my own. I'd be out there repairing damaged and fallen mechs and protecting operators waiting for a new mech to drop.

Depending on how the mechanics work though, I love playing a lone sniper behind the enemy lines taking out unsuspecting enemies and capturing points. Planetside 2 and Firefall's Amazon was good for that.
I played a class like that in Anarchy Online I played my Metaphysicist as a support character. I would summon my drone pets to both shield and heal my teammates while my attack drown help kill things or draw aggro from the boss while everyone pulls back. I would help control the battle from the back lines by controlling 3 to 4 different drones at once to help different people and do different things.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Another playstyle is the throw your opponents in the bin playstyle.
After playing cyberpunk 2077 i never realized how satisfying throwing incapped opponents in a bin or a freezer..... it is nice to do this to some evil people in real life ofc i couldn't so this, so the game is the best simulator for that.

They cant do much in there and i haven't killed them so they magically go after some time!
Unless the GCSF or some Secret team can summon a mobile capture to get them wisked off to the npc or location who will thank you for capturing, or to turn them into informants!