What Biome would you like the first map to be?

Choose a Biome(and read the description)

  • Tropical(heavy vegetation, beaches, tall trees, islands)

    Votes: 7 17.5%
  • Volcanic(Lava pools, jagged rock structures, volcanoes)

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Arctic(Snowy mountains, glaciers in water, alpine forests)

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Desert(Dunes, Plateaus/Mesas, Oases)

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Taiga(Normal forests, rock cliffs, small waterfalls/rivers)

    Votes: 7 17.5%
  • Swamp(Huge rivers, fallen giant trees, Swamps)

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Reef(Imagine Copa beach)

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Ethereal(Shiny natural structures, crystals/lights, whatever pretty stuff you like

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Rift(Entire map looks broken/fragmented, portals, meteorite fields/asteroid belts)

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 10.0%

  • Total voters


Base Commander
Base Commander
Jul 26, 2016
This is more of a visual than geometry oriented question, but what biome would you like the first map to be? You can still have all the physical features you want(floating mountains from avatar? Go ahead!), but this is a question of visual style(assume for now you can only pick one)

ALL OF THESE CAN BE MADE TO LOOK MORE ALIEN(make the plants purple if you want)


Jul 29, 2016
I thought we were terraforming? I'd like a see a primordial landscape devoid of any plant life other than algae with mobs just crawling out of the water to attack you. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2016
EM-8ER is a Volcanic world as per the Tsihu reveal.

Which would by default put us in a Volcanic biome. The real question would probably be what do we terraform the area we start into.
EM-8ER is a Volcanic world as per the Tsihu reveal.

Which would by default put us in a Volcanic biome. The real question would probably be what do we terraform the area we start into.
Something...something...pterodactyl...GREEN! Maybe not lush, but definitely forest-y. Plant seeds, and wait until our frames grew metallic beards.
Likes: Adrian


$6k package
Community Manager
Ember Dev
Jul 25, 2016
EM-8ER is a like Io. Frozen world with huge sporadic volcanic activity. Fire and Ice.

Where the pockets form....well that's up the the Terraformers. These are large machines that float in the sky and fist transform the atmosphere, then seed the pocket from its ark, a bank of genomes for flora and fauna that the machine naturally selects to reflect whats best to create an eco-system for that part of the planet, its temperature range, etc.

Note that with 28 star systems colonized, these gene-banks include xeno plants and animals not just those found on Earth.


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
But what about the preexisting life? The duality of fire and ice would make for a rather violent atmosphere (wind). The constantly changing weather patterns would make things interesting.

I would totally love to see the world with a native bioluminescent fungi ecosystem. These fungi could produce mountains of dark spores that would blot out the sun, leaving the sky a dark roiling twisting never ending storm with the occasional lightning (but no rain since the clouds are spores not water). The spores could be what are so deadly to humans, but they have technology that can eliminate the spores in a small area.

With so much volcanic activity, the main source of energy and nutrients for the fungi would be geothermal hot springs which would litter the area, creating a multitude of oasis amidst the frozen landscape. These fungi and hot springs would also be the source of the rich mineral deposits on the worlds surface (which is why the THMPR is so useful as opposed to deep mine drilling). As the fungi absorb the minerals from these springs they store them in high concentrations and then when they die their remains get burried and turned into a sort of coal, only stuffed full of lucrative resources rather than fossil fuels.

Because so little sunlight makes it through the spore clouds, almost all life in this biome would have some sort of bioluminescent properties, animals would use it for anything from courtship to territorial conflicts to catching food. The mushrooms would trend towards the higher end of the visible spectrum (blue, indigo, violet) and might pulse or shimmer a bit. Animals on the other hand would range all over (and beyond) the visible spectrum depending on their species and activity. Some animals would show up brilliantly if the player turns on their Infrared overview while others might show strange lines and symbols etched into their chitin shells when ultraviolet is selected.

Life on EM-8ER would not use carbon based deoxyribonucleic acid so none of it would be edible for humans (and vice versa). Instead they would be forced to utilize hydroponic systems to provide sufficient food production. The terraforming process would clear the air of spores and remove any major biological dangers to humans but due to extremely rapid plant growth would be unable to completely remove the actual plantlife itself. As one ranges further and further from the centrally located base the native flora and fauna would take over from human seeded life and there would be a biological battle all along the terriforming border. The lack of natural sunlight normally would render most plantlife dead in a matter of days, however the bioluminescense given off by the fungi mirror natural sunlight, allowing the introduced plants to survive.

While the mean planet temperature would average in at around -40 Celsius, The Silicon nature of the native plantlife requires a much higher temperature to remain functional. Combine that with the hotsprings and immediately around each oasis the temperature would be much much hotter, anywhere from 35 to 50 Celsius. At these temperatures water will easily evaporate, so immediately within a fungi biome there would be lots of condensation in the air as well as pools of liquid water. However this can also be an environmental hazard as one of the chemicals used by native plantlife is Hydrogen Sulfide, which occurs in great abundance from the hotsprings. This renders natural bodies of water toxic to humans and can potentially cause explosions where the H2S pools (it is heavier than air).

The Tsihu actually share the same Silicon based design as the native plantlife and are unaffected by the spores, giving them a massive advantage when it comes to living on EM-8ER, however the incredible value of both the mineral and biological resources on the planet spur human corporations to ignore this fact and challenge the enigmatic alien race for control. Because the Tsihu are perfectly capable of surviving in the "mists", they can appear out of the dark spore laden atmosphere to attack a base from any direction at any time, forcing its inhabitants to stay alert and on guard.


Something reminiscent to the beginning of this song would go really well as exploration music:

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@EvilKitten There could be a cross between the native flora, fauna and the ones the Reapers had brought in. Mutations. Corruptions. One made deadlier by the other. Or some sort of parasitic relationship that would enhance the organism, something similar to melded versions the creatures. Hmm...I discarded the name "transients" as a suggestion in the Alien Naming thread, but that could actually sound cool for a different form of the creatures. There'd be a creature that would ambush you in a swampy area, called e.g.: Mire-Lash and its mutated form could be called Transient Mire-Lash. I originally wanted the term to mean something temporary, temporal, relating to the Tsihu not being really there, but from another time, but it could also mean the mutated creature's existence as a partially or severely mutated being, on its way to full corruption and possible death.
Likes: EvilKitten


Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
Man I wish it was dessert instead of ice. Both are easy to make, but dessert doesn't make your monitor cook your eyeballs with all the brightness as much as snow and ice haha


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Man I wish it was dessert instead of ice. Both are easy to make, but dessert doesn't make your monitor cook your eyeballs with all the brightness as much as snow and ice haha
I assume when you mean desert you are referring to sand, Antarctica is considered a desert and it is covered in ice :p. With that said though, in a dark environment sand and ice tend to look a lot alike when rendered on a screen.

@EvilKitten There could be a cross between the native flora, fauna and the ones the Reapers had brought in.
@MattHunX if the two species share a similar makeup then it would also stand to reason that any native plants brought with them would be much easier to integrate into the native environment. However given the oasis nature in my own suggestion you would only find them located in those area's already actively contested by the Tsihu, which would make for an interesting extra layer of difficulty as we attempt to terraform new zones further afield.

EDIT: Whoops I saw reapers and thought Tsihu...carbon based lifeforms would be completely incompatible with silicon based life. At best a silicon base lifeform consuming carbon based life would probably end up being unable to properly digest the food, at worst it would act like a poison and kill it. I am not sure that mutations would be possible.
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Likes: NitroMidgets
I assume when you mean desert you are referring to sand, Antarctica is considered a desert and it is covered in ice :p. With that said though, in a dark environment sand and ice tend to look a lot alike when rendered on a screen.

@MattHunX if the two species share a similar makeup then it would also stand to reason that any native plants brought with them would be much easier to integrate into the native environment. However given the oasis nature in my own suggestion you would only find them located in those area's already actively contested by the Tsihu, which would make for an interesting extra layer of difficulty as we attempt to terraform new zones further afield.

EDIT: Whoops I saw reapers and thought Tsihu...carbon based lifeforms would be completely incompatible with silicon based life. At best a silicon base lifeform consuming carbon based life would probably end up being unable to properly digest the food, at worst it would act like a poison and kill it. I am not sure that mutations would be possible.
Well, I did say that the existence of such dangerous mutated lifeforms could be brief. And not just because we would kill them.
Likes: NitroMidgets


Tsi-Hu Hunter
Jul 27, 2016
Dupont, WA
Don't care. Just want to play a game that doesn't make me swear for twenty minutes after playing it, cursing the creators with explosive genital warts, frantically trying to delete the game before another burst of profanity and family curses flies from my mouth and my neighbor officially believes I have a personality disorder.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I like something that has electrical currents passing through the ground within the darken soil the planet is said to be alive in some way. Perhaps it has to do something with the tsihu?

other parts would have unusual vegetation that are deadly in its defensive mechanism by spying it would communicate through its vines and warn the more deadlier threats unless the vines are cut and focused on!

Likes: NitroMidgets


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
There is a second biome I would love to see, based on the one I mentioned above. That would be a subterranean biome. Acustical mapping of the planets surface (aided by MEK-A's) could discover the locations of large caverns under the massive icefields that liberally covers the planet. While lacking the catastrophic wind and spores that render the surface so dangerous, other hazards would exist that make the area even more treacherous.

As life already has evolved on the planet to not require direct sunlight, the native subterranean flora would be somewhat similar to that of the surface, but instead of fungi it would be much more crystalline in nature. Down below, the hotsprings are more intense and lava may also provide additional hazards. The mean temperature close to the ground would trend between 40-75 Celsius, making it dangerous to unshielded humans.

Like above the surroundings would be lit by bioluminescence, however the light would not be sufficient to completely reach the ceiling above. Instead the sky would be a mixture of inky darkness with giant stalactites appearing out of the darkness to hang overhead. However, in *some* caves a silicon version of bacteria would exist on the icy surface of the stalactites, causing them to have a veined glow that would illuminate the ice overhead.

Mining in this region poses a much greater risk than on the surface, the animals in subterranean areas are much more aggressive than up above, in addition the shock-waves from drilling often cause ice and rock to fall from the ceiling above. While human mech suits are capable of locating such falling debris and giving some warning, it is not capable of sustaining a direct hit without significant damage. Combine that with the utterly inhospitable temperatures and humans run extreme yet lucrative risks while mining.
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Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
@EvilKitten I see. But then again running in constant darkness or even dusk, probably wouldn't be much fun either. But whatever they gonna do to solve that issue would work for me, I am just saying that generally ice and snow in games ends up been pretty bright, and it can be tough on the eyes after prolonged play.

Don't care. Just want to play a game that doesn't make me swear for twenty minutes after playing it, cursing the creators with explosive genital warts, frantically trying to delete the game before another burst of profanity and family curses flies from my mouth and my neighbor officially believes I have a personality disorder.
Dang son, what games have you been playing lately?
Likes: NitroMidgets


Tsi-Hu Hunter
Jul 27, 2016
Dupont, WA
A Ubisoft game. Finally played one of the DLC (Delaying Likely Collapse) that they released a little bit ago. Just reassuring myself that it was shit.
That and my dog has bone cancer so feeling a bit of stress.


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
@EvilKitten I see. But then again running in constant darkness or even dusk, probably wouldn't be much fun either. But whatever they gonna do to solve that issue would work for me, I am just saying that generally ice and snow in games ends up been pretty bright, and it can be tough on the eyes after prolonged play.
@Vladplaya my inspiration for this biome comes in part from Skyrim.

Now combine that with the cloud like atmosphere of the Firefall cenematic trailer