The Speed of Biome Revival and Vulpeculi

I think it would be worth establishing, either in the Vision Book or the novel, or both, that the different types of biomes have already existed on planet EM-8ER, but they were frozen over by the same (artificial) process that imprisoned the Tsi-Hu there. So, once the atmospheric converters, mirrors and gene-seeding is done (most likely in that order) the different types of environments will essentially be thawed out of hybernation and will quickly spring to new life.

Temperate zones, (rain-)forests, savannah, deserts...etc. will revive and regrow their fauna and flora more rapidly. Which should be pointed out to explain the fastness of the recovery process. Because a few months would need to pass, at least, if not a few years, and even that is perhaps unrealistically fast, even for sci-fi. But, if we explain that the environment was practically under a cryogenic suspension, it would be easily acceptable that life on it, plant and animal, would just unpause, with a bit of delay.

After all, we don't want years or even several months to shoot by, before we open the first few more hospitable pockets.

It was already said the Vulpeculi "were awoken when one of the first zones on EM8-ER was seeded." Which should show that every other life-form is already there, waiting to resume living. And so the process of biome-formation could be believably fast, with the right (in-game) explanation.


[Went to an arboretum and wildlife center (pictures here ) and got inspired to try and stitch together some animal, like the Vulpeculi that would look alien enough to be part of the fauna on EM-8ER.]


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
What if some of the biomes were even hidden because the portals are the only way to step into them due to the fact that those biomes are not even from this time line.

Also could there be biomes that bring certain past to life from historians or those who wanted to create their lost home before they arrived to Em8er etc

I like that melding in firefall it is like the tsihi had a weather machine and chosen to freeze the place and then use a purplish hazadous cloud to creep over the biomes in suspended animation.
What if some of the biomes were even hidden because the portals are the only way to step into them due to the fact that those biomes are not even from this time line.

Also could there be biomes that bring certain past to life from historians or those who wanted to create their lost home before they arrived to Em8er etc

I like that melding in firefall it is like the tsihi had a weather machine and chosen to freeze the place and then use a purplish hazadous cloud to creep over the biomes in suspended animation.
Oh, sorry for the late reply, here, @Pandagnome !

Given how the Tsi-Hu will drop rocks on us, during thumping, from their own dimensional prison, shifting the terrain, I do think it would be very much in keeping with their theme, and the entire theme of the planet itself, to have biomes hidden away in entirely separate dimensions, existing either in the past, a different present or even in an accelerated future. Similarly to how it was suggested that base-building itself could have these shifting elements to it, where damaged structures could shift to a repaired state and vice-versa, either facilitating or hampering construction and expansion.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Oh, sorry for the late reply, here, @Pandagnome !

Given how the Tsi-Hu will drop rocks on us, during thumping, from their own dimensional prison, shifting the terrain, I do think it would be very much in keeping with their theme, and the entire theme of the planet itself, to have biomes hidden away in entirely separate dimensions, existing either in the past, a different present or even in an accelerated future. Similarly to how it was suggested that base-building itself could have these shifting elements to it, where damaged structures could shift to a repaired state and vice-versa, either facilitating or hampering construction and expansion.
Likes: Omnires
(I was too harsh on this game. Now that I'm playing, again, it actually improves upon a lot of things from the trilogy, fails in other areas, but it's generally a solid experience.)
MassEffectAndromeda 2021-09-09 14-05-30-740.jpg

"sporadic hyper-growth"

More techno/bio-babble to explain how Em-8er's own biosphere will be able to recover so rapidly, aside from the neatly suggested time-shifts.

And I had to chuckle at the "sandblast" part, used as a verb, in this particular context. At my workplace, we sometimes see people use sand or dry-ice to clean the surface of larger metal components, pipes, sections and even wagons, when some nasty substance spills on them, like tar.

So, it's a really cool and clever way to the describe the weather on a planet and the wind-speed, that it "sandlasts" paint off of everything, and possibly could blast unprotected skin off people, too. Very nicely written.
Aug 14, 2016
I would say the personally the biodomes could changed based on the weather patterns in that part of the world. So some parts would be stable always being hot or cold. But other parts change wildly as storms come and go bring cold fronts or heat fronts with them. Remember in real life storms driven by differences in heat. The greater the difference in heat between two areas the more powerful the storms will be to try and balance out that difference.

And let's not forget at on some planets there are storms can cover the whole world from time to time. A good example being Mars.

Likes: Pandagnome
I would say the personally the biodomes could changed based on the weather patterns in that part of the world. So some parts would be stable always being hot or cold. But other parts change wildly as storms come and go bring cold fronts or heat fronts with them. Remember in real life storms driven by differences in heat. The greater the difference in heat between two areas the more powerful the storms will be to try and balance out that difference.

And let's not forget at on some planets there are storms can cover the whole world from time to time. A good example being Mars.

Let's just be honest here.

We're not saying we want nados, a la FireFall, but...

We want nados. :D

Or some other weather event that we can shoot at.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Let's just be honest here.

We're not saying we want nados, a la FireFall, but...

We want nados. :D

Or some other weather event that we can shoot at.
What if tumble weeds had storms inside them and they would roll about and cause a bigger storm if you didnt stop all the tumble weeds with storms inside them!
What if tumble weeds had storms inside them and they would roll about and cause a bigger storm if you didnt stop all the tumble weeds with storms inside them!

The Enshigi could have tech with miniature suns, in a Dyson-sphere, like I said before.

The Tsi-Hu...could have the same...but instead of a sun and Dyson-sphere, it would be portable STORMS.
Also, if I'm being honest, I actually like the whole "time-shift" effect reversing or accelerating the changes in the biomes, to better explain how they can occur so fast.

Again, I was restricting myself in my imagination and only going off of other, already done sci-fi concepts, the screenshots of techno-babble I gave.

But, if we really want Em-8er to be unique, we'll really have to bust out some lore and in-game mechanics that will feel like they've truly never been done before. As I've recently said, elsewhere.

@Grummz And even from the viewpoint of developers who'd be responsible for creating and altering environments, I wager it would be much easier to have a unique "time-shift" effect explain all the sudden changes to the environment, rather than painstakingly doing different stages of a gradual change on every damn terrain-model they put in. It would still be faster, convincing and in-keeping with the theme of the planet EM-8ER and the Tsi-Hu.
Aug 14, 2016
Taking in the whole time shifting thing into effect mixed with how real life planets and weather form I can foresee some really fun chaos moments. Remember even in real life the Earth has been covered in ice and in fire about 6 or 8 time through it's history. Snowball Earth and Fireball Earth are a thing. So going by what points in time the loops are fixed too and jumps too, you can have a map that every that switches back and forth between being covered in lava and covered in ice every 5 mins.

But if I really let myself go wild and think of how all of this would work using real math and science I keep coming back to thing like this in my head. lol

Only because if you just look at what things can happen in real life and how the universe really works. You can have some truly epic moments in the game where both you and the enemy more or less stop fighting each other and focus more on just trying live as world around you is no longer good for the type of lifeform you are. Again just looking at Earth for example.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
The Tsi-Hu...could have the same...but instead of a sun and Dyson-sphere, it would be portable STORMS.
How insane could that be that the tsihu harness those electric even more and could that even be to even manipulate the magnetic field.

But, if we really want Em-8er to be unique, we'll really have to bust out some lore and in-game mechanics that will feel like they've truly never been done before. As I've recently said, elsewhere.
I agree Em8er has to stand out with a unique way and this would show it well with the lore backing it up.

So going by what points in time the loops are fixed too and jumps too, you can have a map that every that switches back and forth between being covered in lava and covered in ice every 5 mins.
Does this change happen in areas or does the whole of Em8er change?

I am not sure on every 5mins couldn't it lose its appeal, if it happens when things are a bit slower in the world and could it take into account the amount of players in that area at the time?

I am sure the A.I Director can do some interesting things, still think if a dev popped up and done something little bizzare time to time that would be fun too e.g

Made the world suddenly pitch black and forced the pilots to use our light source at the same time a weird sound could be heard with slow motion particles etc like this to add to the atmosphere. Sometimes these changes do not even need to do damage all the time just to make the world seen a different way.

What if there are different levels of time loop and its intensities and effects just like

lvl 1 - In a small radius
lvl 2 - Wider radius could even affect more weather changes
lvl 3 - gravity could be affected
lvl 4 - Change in appearance and tech lvl have changed
lvl 5 The whole Em8er has changed

When you look at the different intensity they may have different effects and affect the distance it could cover. Sometimes it could be a combination or randomised mixing a lvl 2 with a 3 to make it even stranger.

Then i am thinking if we do not stop the time loop and it is opened for too long what are consequences?

- Could after the time loop is finished that some of the bases or environments are damaged slightly or worst because some may not be completely reverted back due to prolong affect of the loop.

- Some things could be missing such as trees and even lake etc

- There could be npc's who cannot remember things and suddenly do not trust you and to get information to reverse it or find object of meaning and recorded evidence so that they can remember again.
Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
But remember there are real life stars that are just the size of cities in real life. Although they are small they are some of the most powerful things in this universe that are not black holes.

Likes: Pandagnome

Oh, I know all about hums. My hometown was built for the sole purpose of providing housing for workers of the factory complex that was built along with it. Over 12000 jobs, a few decades ago, in decline, since. Still over 60.000 people, around the 90's, only 48000, according to the most recent census. Everyone can hear that fucking hum or low rumble. Most are, of course, used to it and don't even notice it. But, if we go to a neighboring village, the difference, the lack of constant noise is very noticeable. You only have complete tranquility if you shut your windows. It blocks the sound. You know, unless it's summer, with 30 degrees Celsius at night and you don't wanna fucking die.

I can so imagine dozens of us, in a tornado that would be several in-game kilometers wide, encompassing, like, an entire beach-front or several mountains, stretching from one forward base to the next, and we'd have our gliders deployed, being carried around in a cataclysmic carousel, just riding it out or fighting against it with our thrusters as we'd try to destroy/stabilize the phenomena that spawned it. It could originate from a larger tear in time, just dumping the entire damn thing right on us from where, in already unstable regions. If it would be the work of the Tsi-Hu, or natural, but amplified and directed specifiically against us by them, then, I'd also wonder what the Enshigi equivalent would be. Some Sun-Cannon, Sun-Tower. They'd phase in some massive spire with small sun on top of it, Dyson-sphere and all, that would rain hellfire and scaled-down coronal mass ejections on us and everything caught without a shield would be either burned or their equipment, including communications, would get wrecked.
But remember there are real life stars that are just the size of cities in real life. Although they are small they are some of the most powerful things in this universe that are not black holes.

Meteors could crash, bringing some rare or even new and unknowm, uncommon materials we could race against time to mine, before the Tsi-Hu could secure them and take it all with them. Needless to say, anyone accidentally caught in the blast, because they weren't paying attention to the suddenly falling sky, would remember it. And drop coordinates while they're at it. Although, our Fabric could automatically give a waypoint on our radar, with the fastest route for vehicles. I'd love that feature from recent Assassin's Creed games, where our mounts could automatically run along the roads and certain paths to get to a location. Of course, with gliding, it wouldn't even be an issue. Unless someone would be really unfortunate and they'd get hit by a falling meteor, in the air. Beep! Beep!


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I'd also wonder what the Enshigi equivalent would be. Some Sun-Cannon, Sun-Tower. They'd phase in some massive spire with small sun on top of it, Dyson-sphere and all, that would rain hellfire and scaled-down coronal mass ejections on us and everything caught without a shield would be either burned or their equipment, including communications, would get wrecked.
If sub zero was there he would even be running off because thats alot of fire!
Meteors could crash, bringing some rare or even new and unknowm, uncommon materials we could race against time to mine, before the Tsi-Hu could secure them and take it all with them.
what if sometimes we could go to astroids in space and they collid with other astroids that shakes things up litreally each of the shockwave effects the structure breaking the asteroid and and in the asteroid we are floating so our grapplers are very useful to not float away too far.

Super hail storms that can give some push back and if too much it could slow down but i feel the heavies will be very helpful.

So if we had some heat shield how long could they last against the tsihu bombardment of hell fire and can it repell some of it back. The only sure way is to take down or takeover their device and use it against them i'd guess hmm

What about a shockwave generator that could disperse the chaos the tsihu wont like those that may get targeted for sure!
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Likes: Omnires