I ran across a game with the same name (Ember). Is there any concern regarding this being copyrighted? Or is the name Ember useable without negative consequences?
Officially this game is named: Em-8er.
With the tag line: Ember:Massive Planetary Wargame.
The visual art and headings will come to reflect that in time.
So i've been wondering and also doing some research to find the answer to the question I'm about to ask, but what does Em-8er stand for? And what does T.H.M.P.R. stand for?
As far as I know, T.H.M.P.R. is just Mark Kern's tongue in cheek method of saying this game is inspired by the original Firefall as he and some others envisioned the game to be.
Crixia is something that he has on his mind for very long time.
I have no idea what THMPR stands for. It was meant as a nod to Firefall. Maybe it will be one of those things everybody asks in Newbie chat, and everyone trolls a different answer.