It should be obvious to anyone by now that it was mostly Grummz that ruined Firefall and that Em8er is at best a pie-in-the-sky pipedream that's almost certainly never going to release. Yes its a real shame that there'll never be another Firefall, but sooner or later you gotta face reality.
I am optimistic that something needs to be shown this year as there is no better time or else this may cause more to look else where.
If it continues to be similar in 2025 then i'll still continue to keep an eye out but would halt in cash support because there are other things i need to do such as save up for training courses, equipment etc etc.
Life is not so straight forward i have wanted to get a little business going for some time and there seems to be hurdles in the process. Not that this has anything to do with gaming and think there is more to it if you compare doing something on your own or in a small team than with a bigger organization.
As an example
One company that i have worked with restricts many activities that seems fun because of a different vision they have. Not only that there are some daft policies in place which generally is common sense, this is to comply and make life more miserable indirectly.
Although they feel that this is important to keep everyone pleased at the expense of over working staff, under paid, use of an app that is crap adding to the stress, hiring staff that have little to no experience expecting to do great things while the heavy load is taken by the more experienced generally.
So this is where doing something you have more control may sound very appealing but its not as easy unless you have many rich whale buddies and speed dial to some superstars in Neptune.
Decided to look for a venue with the right size capacity in a nearby location with storage space to hold events / activities. Many of them that i have seen have limited to no storage space to provide which was annoying so that means activities were limited due to that.
On top of that other companies or organizations are already using other venues that i would like to get.
Since there are some that hire for a whole term to even a year especially when it is a regular thing that they do in the venue.
The space in some venues were not as big as i would of expected which meant your limited again in what you could do so continuing on searching. Then there is the cost of hiring and the intention of your plan some may be a charity or run purely as a business and that can impact the cost of hiring too.
Since i am still new to all this there is a lot to do and ask. I am most likely going to start of small which would mean doing something that brings communities together even if it means getting a medium size hall to bring players that play board games & their families together for weekly hangouts.
My aim in the long term is to potentially hold cosplay conventions and events in bigger places but that is a dream. Maybe it will be possible someday, I'll give it a go and if my efforts go unsuccessful well won't be too pleased. However would be happy knowing there are folks who appreciate that and perhaps this may create opportunities through networking hmm
I have gone off topic again so my answer is Em8er is still a go, but if there is hardly much to show by 2025 then the doubt creeps in possibly as much as a swarm of knee biters :O
Em8er team do your best and the many eyes are watching!