Short Distance Teleport Pads to Replace Glider Pads


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
...otherwise players could easily just place and endless chain of movement tools to make other forms of travel near pointless such as mounts
Anyone else read Brandon Sanderson? Lets skip gliders all together and go with horseshoes.


Jul 26, 2016
Moving instantly behind cover or to avoid a Kaiju's mega attack.
Moving to get behind an NPC or closing the distance to melee.
Shifting vertically upwards while in the air to gain height so you can fly further.
Teleporting while you are being grappled to escape the Tsi-hu.
Jumping to a safe point when your fuel has been exhausted while over dangerous terrain.
Let me rephrase: I can't really see a tactical use for teleportation as an ability with energy costs and a cooldown as long as, say, deepstryke.
Likes: Pandagnome


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I don't believe so...but from your statement it sounds interesting.
In his story a person can pull or push on metals, so to get around one person used horseshoes, pushing them down into the ground to counter push themselves high into the air and forward, then pulling on the horseshoe to drag it forward to use for another push, with a few horseshoes they could "bounce" along at super high velocity without ever touching the ground.
Aug 14, 2016
Here is an idea. Giving the players to control when they release from the jump pad. Let's say the jump pad can be freely placed at any angle from 0 to 90 degrees. And when you step on it you can lock your feet into place so rather than being pushed off of it right away you can stay in place. The longer you stay on the jump pad more force it builds up in the energy field like coiling a spring. When you release the locks on your feet all the extra energy used up launch you much faster and farther than normal. Letting the players control how fast and far the jump pads pushes them.

And if you want even more speed you would try using your jets while your feet are locked in place to add that extra push to the force of the jump pad. In much the same as launcher on an aircraft carrier or mecha carrier. For example, the Gundums don't need to use their thrusters to carrier out of the carrier ship at a good speed, but if they do anyway for the extra power right out of the gate.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Here is an idea. Giving the players to control when they release from the jump pad. Let's say the jump pad can be freely placed at any angle from 0 to 90 degrees. And when you step on it you can lock your feet into place so rather than being pushed off of it right away you can stay in place. The longer you stay on the jump pad more force it builds up in the energy field like coiling a spring. When you release the locks on your feet all the extra energy used up launch you much faster and farther than normal. Letting the players control how fast and far the jump pads pushes them.

And if you want even more speed you would try using your jets while your feet are locked in place to add that extra push to the force of the jump pad. In much the same as launcher on an aircraft carrier or mecha carrier. For example, the Gundums don't need to use their thrusters to carrier out of the carrier ship at a good speed, but if they do anyway for the extra power right out of the gate.
I like this idea i am reminded of the super mario jump!
Likes: Omnires


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
That is one way of putting it. Although I was thinking more a long the lines of

I like this looks fun i wonder if alternative vehicles could take advantage of these pads also if placed strategically e.g while on a bike to launch over a wall!

That is a good point, it is just interesting to see how we can improve or even modify it slightly.
We could stick to the same things but now we have to account for mek's.

When we were in our battleframe those were exosuits than meks.
I do wonder if our g-suits are very hightech streamline suits and would we be able to use the pads as pilots hmm

Remember the rocketeer that was a fun jetpack glider i loved this and with a charged pad could end up really high up perhaps we could reach those dropships ?
Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
I like this looks fun i wonder if alternative vehicles could take advantage of these pads also if placed strategically e.g while on a bike to launch over a wall!

That is a good point, it is just interesting to see how we can improve or even modify it slightly.
We could stick to the same things but now we have to account for mek's.

When we were in our battleframe those were exosuits than meks.
I do wonder if our g-suits are very hightech streamline suits and would we be able to use the pads as pilots hmm

Remember the rocketeer that was a fun jetpack glider i loved this and with a charged pad could end up really high up perhaps we could reach those dropships ?
I can see it now. Someone sets down a jump pad at zero degree angle and parks their bike on top of it. As the Jump pad charges up more and more they also try gain more speed by doing a burnout (also known as a peel out or power brake). And as soon as let let go of the brakes they shot off at over top speed. At any angle other than zero degrees the jump pad will launch the bike into the air based on ballistic trajectory.

So be ready see people setting out jump pads in a row between bases to see if they can make an Mario Kart race trace in Em-8er. And in the weekly Friday derby be ready to see a lot of fly bikes crashing into each other. And if you could finally use weapons while riding vehicles, namely using melee weapons in this example, we could have the dream of bike jousting.

Also on the topic bike jousting, one of the main reasons it want it is because I want to be able to kill enemies while on my bike just by running over them and/or ramming into them. Just like me pull out my spear while on my bike while I charge full seed at a kaiju.
Likes: Pandagnome