I was here for the first few days of its tentative discussion on its possibility. I don't get hyped like other people do.
I took a break for a year, and I'm back to check things out. Maybe that's changed.
I'm *really* disappointed that the game got funded. This sounds bad, but one of my main interests was that it be funded in pieces, each one proving development progress. Each step of funding would be a threat.. a fire lit behind the asses of the team.
I also have strong concerns about a mockup being released and people judging the gameplay on that.
@Grummz It's been mentioned but needs to be very strongly repeated that the engine won't be made in that and it's just a way to show off the models, some gameplay and one of the major events.
I'm hyped enough to start worrying about needing to upgrade my computer for this. Enough to read through my old threads and recent ones. Enough to reply with some moderate consideration. So what is that for me, maybe an 8?
Some part of me wonders if I should have pushed my involvement from the beginning, since I knew this project would happen. I considered today if I should pursue this as a significant project. That would make this an 11.
.. although perhaps you didn't mean to use the word "hype", which is a negative.