JUNE 2021: IMPROMPTU & SCHEDULED CHIEF CHAT NOTES - Why did it have to be sneks? Goodbye New Copa (for now)...

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Omni Ace
Staff member
Community Manager
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast
June 23, 2021: IMPROMPTU CHIEF CHAT NOTES - Why did it have to be sneks?

==== MAIN POINTS ====
► New Patron skin for June is here! Introducing our “snek” Selusha!

This skin also introduces our skin grading system, this skin is rarity “Epic”! There are multiple grades of skin. And we have a whole design doc prepared for how skins work for pilots. That is coming next week [July 1, 2021] with examples!

Monetization of the game is in the cosmetics for Em-8er that’s what keeps the servers going so, we’ve put a LOT of thought into the skin customization system and how you get them. So what does “Epic” mean?
Check out this link to read more about our new customization system... coming SOON!

► Join us tomorrow [Thursday, June 24, 2021], for the weekly Chief Chat where we say Farewell to “New Copa”. Once the next build comes out in about 2 weeks, that will take its place with a temporary white box level.

“The curtain is being drawn as we go through the art pass replacing the art in preparation for the Kickstarter.” ~ Grummz

► The T.H.M.P.R is coming, the next demo will include the first draft of the T.H.M.P.R encounter.

► New terrain will be a little easier for the encounter system as it will only be the first draft.

► The THMPR encounter system will be white boxed.

► An idea that was on Grummz mind about the AI dungeon master they want to put in EM-8ER (which directs the battle and entertains the players); the idea was the possibility of personifying it by giving her a name, maybe get CSR to sketch up a waifu idea for her.

==== FUN STUFF! ====
► FAI’s thanks raffle winner! ♦ Thorp ♦


Omni Ace
Staff member
Community Manager
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast
JUNE 24, 2021: SCHEDULED CHIEF CHAT NOTES - Goodbye New Copa (for now)...

==== MAIN POINTS ====
► During this Chief Chat we said Goodbye to New Copa! At least for now. Grummz gathered as many people as he could find into the build to enjoy some moments together and capture some great game play footage.
The next few builds will be made using the White Box method. White box method is when a developer uses super simple, non colored objects in place of beautiful finished assets.
This is being done for Em-8er so the dev team can hide the awesome real assets that are currently being worked on. There will be a big reveal of the new art right before kickstarter goes live!

Maid Grummz has done a transformation during this stream into neko cat Grummz!


► In preparation for the next build, we will be getting a white box build with the T.H.M.P.R encounter, which will most likely come out in about 2 weeks [Thursday, June 8, 2021]. If it happens any earlier, Grummz and his team will let you know!

► Home will be coming! It will also be a white box level except for the characters, you will be able to see the skins on your characters!

► We’re getting a design update next week [Thursday, July 1, 2021] for how the pilot skins customization will work, as cosmetics are the way the Grummz plans to monetize Em-8er.
Next week [Thursday, July 1, 2021] he will show us, complete with examples, how the pilot skin customization system will work. Part of that is this month’s [June 2021] skin was revealed as rarity “Epic”, that means that controls the frequency we can expect the skin to rotate through the game. Skins for pilots and mechs will be based on a rarity. That means, how many times on average, we can grind for them in-game. They’re all sort of semi-seasonal. Some skins will be available all the time and we can grind for them any time. Others are going to be rotating. Other details on the system will be next week [Thursday, July 1, 2021] on stream, as Grummz plans to go through the whole thing with us!

Keep in mind, this is all early stuff and it’s based on our feed back. So make sure you plan to come next Thursday [July 1, 2021] at 11 am PT, to see the design update and leave feedback for the next draft! The Dev Team are very interested to know what we think when Grummz presents the ideas next week [Thursday, July 1, 2021]!

==== Q & A ====
► Question: Do you mind sharing EM-8ER’s estimated budget?
Grummz: The budget for Em-8er depends how well the Kickstarter does and how well continued funding does. We do milestone based funding, which were switching. We’re going to call it “feature based funding” – we deliver a feature set in different areas depending on the crowdfunding and the community either crowdfunds or not. So far every feature set has been funded and we’ve gone the extra mile! We have 100 player multiplayer, when all we were going to do was single player. We also have a persistent database on the back end, which we didn’t have planned; it tracks the resources you have.

► What sort of terrain will be in the Kickstarter Playable Mockup? Give us a hint.
Grummz: I’m not telling you. That’s the surprise. This [New Copa] is not the native terrain of Em-8er. The native terrain (it’s a game about terraforming) starts off as icy and volcanic all at the same time.

► Question: Are Patrons the only people who get the skins or can Backers get them as well?
Grummz: You have to be a Monthly Patron to get the skins.

► Question: Any time estimations on the new model for the medium?
Grummz: Your not going to see the new medium frame until Kickstarter, we are holding back all the new art until the reveal.

► Question: Will we get to see more artwork from Cute Sexy Robutts (CSR)?
Ronyn: Cute Sexy Robutts (CSR) art will return when it is time!

► Question: If I already have a pack that’s being raffled, I shouldn't enter the raffle right?
Ronyn: Oh no, feel free to try to win and then you have one you can gift to a friend!

► Question: For home, do we get to “customize” our characters if we happen to have both skins? Pick and choose each part or is that for Kickstarter?
Grummz: If you have both skins, you’ll be able to access the menu just like you can in-game right now. If I want to switch I do a “Swap Skin” (from red to green in the New Copa demo) on the radial menu. You’ll be able to do that in Home; and it integrates with our back end so it will know which skins (Neko or Bunny) you have unlocked.

► Question: Are the Firefall actor cameos still planned?
FAI: The voice actor of Aero, Laura Post, yes she is DEFINITELY planned to make an appearance in EM-8ER!!

► Question: Whats the scope of weapons and abilities you’re hoping for the playable mock up?
Grummz: We’re going to do the medium and light frame with 2 abilities each, and 2 weapons each. Then when we mock up the crafting tree, I think we can hint at the other possible weapons that can be made.

► Question: Will there be mech-stops to hang out at on the planet?
Grummz: Those would be the bases, and while you’re at the base you will be in pilot form.

► Question: Will you showcase the customization of frames/weapons in the trailer?
Grummz: That is something I think we will mock up as updates for the Kickstarter.

► Question: What sort of rating do you expect EM-8ER to have?
Grummz: No idea at this time.

► Question: For the tanks, would we be able to be in our Omniframes inside them or in our pilot form?
Grummz: For the tanks, you will be in pilot form.

==== QUOTES ====
► “I’m the Waifu now.” ~ Grummz
► “As a reminder of something Grummz has mentioned before, we do have to build pilots of some sort, whether they are wearing a G-string or Geesuit, they do need to exist.” [laughter] ~ Ronyn
► “I hate to admit it but you look good in that dress.” ~ Toshi (to Grummz)

==== FUN STUFF! ====
► Grummz in his neko maid V-Tuber form
“There's a critique of the game, saying this game is becoming more about waifu and less about mecha. I beg to differ, I mean do you see any Waifus on screen?

► FAI’s thanks raffle winner! ` ♦ Shadow ♦ `

► “Overheating”
Toshi: “Ronyn is Marks ram.”
Ronyn: “Is that why I am overheating?”

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