Because of things like school and work I don't have time to play games like I use too. I just can frame for a few hours for the money and rare sources I need to so things. Because of this in some games I'm at a stopping point. I can't move forward in them because I don't have the gear I need but to get the gear I need to spend a lot of time grinding, time I may not have. I could try market but there is a reason why I don't use markets in almost every MMO that doesn't have a few good tradesmen guilds. Hyperinflation kills any hope of me buying the things I need from other players because there is no way I save up enough buy it within a reasonable time before the price jumps up again. In some games I play I am always poor. Even if I'm a high level end game player I'm always because I don't have the time keep up with the hyperinflation.
My question is how is this game going to deal with the economy and stop things like hyperinflation from ruining the markets?
My question is how is this game going to deal with the economy and stop things like hyperinflation from ruining the markets?