If I'm already a Deepscanner, I cannot purchase the new-comer pack, like D-Gater? Also don't necessarily want to upgrad.

I'd like the GeeSuit V2 and the Dropship that are listed in the D-Gater Pack. The Deepscanner status doesn't seem to have those. And from there it only allows me to upgrade to Terraformer, Tsi-Hunter and so on. And none of those packages list the GeeSuit or dropship. What's the deal here?

Also, when I try to purchase the D-Gater Pack it's asking for the Shipping and Billing address, zip codes and all that crap. But, there's nothing listed in the pack that would need to be physically shipped to where I am. Which is overseas, by the way. This was already an issue when they wanted to ship busts, posters and all that physical stuff. Had trouble with it and I told them they needn't bother, anyway, because I don't have need for all that, especially when the game is still so early in development. That they should spend funding on THAT and not the merch, when we're not even at alpha stage, yet. And they thankfully calmed down with all that and realized it was a waste of donations, until we actually have a good working build. Then people could scramble to get all the merch to decorate their shelves with.

If I'd upgrade, I'd choose the Tsi-Hunter package, but, again, that doesn't seem to have the GeeSuit V2 and Dropship. But, why? Or will it automatically have all those things, as well (considering that upgrading to it will actually cost more than purchasing the "D-Gater" pack)? I'll need to know these, before I make a purchase.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
it's asking for the Shipping and Billing address, zip codes and all that crap. But, there's nothing listed in the pack that would need to be physically shipped to where I am.
Think it is the checks are done with the information with the billing details & address details or no item gets paid for or delivered.

However there are security layers such as codes to input for suspected unauthorized payment such as with my bank. I get a code and have to input it otherwise it declines it and warning message sent to the phone / email regarding a suspicious attempt.

If I'd upgrade, I'd choose the Tsi-Hunter package, but, again, that doesn't seem to have the GeeSuit V2 and Dropship. But, why? Or will it automatically have all those things, as well (considering that upgrading to it will actually cost more than purchasing the "D-Gater" pack)? I'll need to know these, before I make a purchase.
This was on the site
"As a thank you to all our prior backers, please accept this commemorative, special edition dropship that features a unique design just for M1, M2, M3 and newcomer backers".

The Chroma founder dropship it says from Omega founder upwards.

The other one is:
MAX Variant Unique Dropship (Only Archon/Shifter/Ark Liege).
MAX Dropship comes in orange, purple & chroma

With the G-suit:

If you're interested in either or both of the Founder Geesuits, here are the packs you would need to upgrade to for them:

M3 Campaign - Firstclaimer - Founder GeeSuit V1
Newcomer Campaign - DGater - Founder GeeSuit V2
From the em8er site noticed

Founder GeeSuit V2 Player skin (M/F) Package: D - gater and upwards

Razer CHROMA Founder GeeSuit V2 Player skin (M/F). Package: DeepStriker and upwards

Here is the pack comparison site for more info

Also the best person to ask is @Faeryl

Another thing yes, i think the packages and what it has could be made more clearer.
The images did help showing what extras you get compared to the others as it goes up, so perhaps this could point out the extras including those for the M3 pack too!


Omni Ace
Staff member
Community Manager
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast
Good morning @Pandagnome , you are 100 percent correct!! Thank you for helping your fellow Reaper @MattHunX !!

If there are any more questions about Em-8ER, please feel free to ask!!

The best place to find me is on the Official Em-8ER Discord: https://discord.gg/em-8er

Don't forget there IS a Chief Chat today, Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific Time!!

~ Faeryl :cool:
Thank you, both, for the reply. That Pack Compare page gives excellent detail about all the things I'll eventually get as a Deepscanner. There are a lot, including the voice-packs featuring Aero's voice-actress! Nice! I hope she does the accent, too. But, even if she doesn't it'll be nice. So, all of those things on the list, under the Deepscanner are secured. I'm getting those, then. And I'm getting the V1 GeeSuit. Which is enough, I guess. The V2 looks nice, though.

@Pandagnome, your post says that a special edition dropship is also included for M3 backers, even though the Pack Compare page doesn't list that. An oversight, maybe. So I should be getting that particular dropship, as well, by default, as a Deepscanner. Plus, I'm getting a bike, too.

However, the V2 GeeSuit is only included in the new-comer packs, from "D-Gater" upwards. But, I'm not a new-comer.

By the looks of it, I'd have to separately purchase the at least the "D-Gater" new-comer pack, just to get the Geesuit v2. That's 50$ and the only new thing there would be the GeeSuit, under the "skins" category. Everything else on the list, above that, I'm already getting as a Deepscanner. And 50$ seems a bit much for a single skin. No matter how good it looks.

But, okay.

Don't think I'll need anything more, then. I still might upgrade to Tsi-Hu Hunter. But, then, I'd only want that because of the "reserve a character name" perk. And that's 65$ (because I already paid 35$ for the Deepscanner) just to reserve a name. That's not worth it, either. Maybe, I could do a monthly payment, small amounts. Though I'm guessing I'd have to register on Patreon for that.
Likes: Pandagnome
@Faeryl @Pandagnome

Alright, motherthumpers!

Subscribed to monthly support. :D

These Vulpeculi will be adorable! It will be mandatory for all bases and settlements to maintain a steady population of them...you know...for preservation purposes. Obviously. Not because I wanna cuddle all of them. That will be a long day. No matter how long the days will be on Em8er. (I already wrote some logs, a while back, establishing that the day and night cycles ought to be different than our standard 24 hours.)


Omni Ace
Staff member
Community Manager
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast
@@Pandagnome, your post says that a special edition dropship is also included for M3 backers, even though the Pack Compare page doesn't list that. An oversight, maybe. So I should be getting that particular dropship, as well, by default, as a Deepscanner. Plus, I'm getting a bike, too.
That is correct. You should have one of these sitting with your Deepscanner pack on the My Account page under "My Packages". If not don't worry, you have it as part of the Deepscanner Backer pack.

If I recall correctly the image below was a visual graphic for M1, M2, and M3 Backers, as the Newcomer Backer pack page includes the dropship in all its images.

Yes, you're getting the Thunderbumping 2-seater bike as part of the M3 Stretch Goals that were unlocked during the campaign's run on IndieGogo.

The Python Bike skin is a thank you from Grummz for upgrading your M3 Backer pack. Or, as an M3 Backer, you can choose to purchase it directly for $25.

However, the V2 GeeSuit is only included in the new-comer packs, from "D-Gater" upwards. But, I'm not a new-comer.

By the looks of it, I'd have to separately purchase the at least the "D-Gater" new-comer pack, just to get the Geesuit v2. That's 50$ and the only new thing there would be the GeeSuit, under the "skins" category. Everything else on the list, above that, I'm already getting as a Deepscanner.
That is correct. You need to be a D-Gater or higher Newcomer Backer in order to get the V2 GeeSuit.

As a reminder, the M3 Backer campaign (was run on IndieGogo) and the Newcomer Backer packs (run by the Em-8ER Dev Team on Em8er.com) are two completely separate campaigns.

The M3 campaign ended on IndieGogo in July 2017. The Newcomer Backer packs are still available for new purchases up until the Kickstarter is announced.

Maybe, I could do a monthly payment, small amounts. Though I'm guessing I'd have to register on Patreon for that.
There is no "Patreon". You may be thinking of the Em-8ER Monthly Patron Subscription Program. That is optional and completely separate from the Backer packs.

Monthly payments to upgrade is something you would need to ask Em-8ER Support. Contact them via email directly at: [email protected].

I hope this helps!! Cheers!!
~ Faeryl
Upgraded myself to Tsi-Hunter, mainly because I can. But, also...

I'm wondering...with the perk to reserve a character name, if we could have 2 separate ones. A male and a female character, for example. Who may or may not be able to share items between each other. Not like alts, alternate-accounts, or anything like that exploitative BS that I saw some people pull during Raid Bosses in FireFall. One character would just stand around without doing anything and when I pointed it out, someone else "shhh" shushed me, said it was his alt. I learned what alternative accounts were, then. And I'm in no way suggesting anything like that. We could only play one of our two characters, at a time. I wrote about this before. I just like to play differently with a different gender. Dunno why. I just do. Tried to search between @Grummz posts, if there was any mention of this, but it was just a cursory look.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Upgraded myself to Tsi-Hunter, mainly because I can. But, also...

I'm wondering...with the perk to reserve a character name, if we could have 2 separate ones. A male and a female character, for example. Who may or may not be able to share items between each other. Not like alts, alternate-accounts, or anything like that exploitative BS that I saw some people pull during Raid Bosses in FireFall. One character would just stand around without doing anything and when I pointed it out, someone else "shhh" shushed me, said it was his alt. I learned what alternative accounts were, then. And I'm in no way suggesting anything like that. We could only play one of our two characters, at a time. I wrote about this before. I just like to play differently with a different gender. Dunno why. I just do. Tried to search between @Grummz posts, if there was any mention of this, but it was just a cursory look.
To have 2 profiles linked to the same account with different names for it so your account name could be

Example Potatogod as the account which would be the same as the Forum name
then have 2 profiles with with their names

- Miss Potatotoes
- Mr Potado

I think if we have that would have 1 as my usual gnome self and the other as something else not sure what yet hmm
To have 2 profiles linked to the same account with different names for it so your account name could be

Example Potatogod as the account which would be the same as the Forum name
then have 2 profiles with with their names

- Miss Potatotoes
- Mr Potado

I think if we have that would have 1 as my usual gnome self and the other as something else not sure what yet hmm
Yeah, just because...you know...with a male I like to dual-wield blades and snipe with plain old high caliber rounds, or ramjets, go stealth, be agile, fast, use elemental over-time effects, but not AoEs...etc. and would create frame-builds tailored for that sort of gameplay. With a femme, I like SMGs or assault rifles, energy variants, and wielding either an energy or "traditional" halberd or bastard sword, spraying, rapid-fire, on my toes, but also be a bit more sturdy than with a lighter frame, engage in longer melees, not just hit and runs.

I know we'll be able to refit and re-customize our frames and abilities however we want, with just one character. But...I still wanna run around with a femme also, because I'd behave differently with it. It's weird. Or maybe not so weird.
Likes: Pandagnome


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
IMO if anyone wants another character/alt, then they would have to purchase the game again. When folks have to pay for each additional one it keeps a ton of trolls, gold sellers, and a good bit of plain old trollish behavior out of a game because when one gets banned...BOOM...outta that money!
Likes: Mahdi