How will the aliens reproduce

Aug 14, 2016
How an thing reproduces can still you a lot of how they live and grow. So let's talk about the baby animals and their parents in the game. Because I don't know about you, one what thing I learned in my life is to never mess with a parent trying to protect its young. That is like one of the top 5 rules when you spot an animal in the wild, if it is a baby or it has babies back way because even normally peaceful animal will attack if you get to close to a baby.

And because it is Mother's Day here in the USA here is 7 Extreme Animal Moms

Dec 15, 2016
After a while, Gatestrider researchers started giving out missions; very lucrative missions to research those ancient Tsi-hu ruins. In essence, you have to pick up ancient items and scan temples. If combination is correct, you get a piece of ancient Tsi-hu history back from the researchers. This information describes a part of Tsi-hu history or other aspects of their life including sex. Yes, you go to an unstable time loop and scan for Tsi-hu porn and get paid to do so. In total, 201 million (credits/CE). This has to be the best mission ever!.
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Aug 14, 2016
Knowing how something reproduces and grow can tell you a lot about how they fight wars. As this is one of the main things that will also help to shape the mindset of a race, not only in wars but in everyday life. And knowing things like birth rates, growth rates, gender population (do they tend to have more females than males or more males than females or is it even), can they change their gender (there are lots of examples of real life animals who can and will change their gender naturally as just a normal part of their life cycle. Example there is a race of fish that when the male who rules the area dies the largest female will change into a male in about a week to replace him.), is there a gender division of labor, and so on. All these things effects how living beings live and act, even Humans.

For example.
A race that has a low birth rate is not going to risk losing the few breeding members they have to fight in a war. So they will seek to avoid any type of fighting that would put them in danger and only let the non-breading members fight. So they would mostly fight using gorilla tactics to sabotage the enemy and fight from long range or fight using remote surrogates (like drones). So the number of enemies we will be fighting is small, but they have many ways of evasion and attacking without having to be there in person.

On the side a race with a high birth rate can throw wave after wave of themselves at an enemy until they win. They just overwhelm the enemy with numbers to win even if you means losing their lives. Because as along as the core breeding population number doesn't drop the race can recover any loses in a short amount of time. So they wouldn't think to much about tactics other than charge the enemy or surround the enemy or pull the enemy into the group and hold them down until someone can make a killing strike.

Although looking for alien artifacts and finding an alien porn stash may sound funny or dumb to some people. But to archaeologists and historians that is really valuable information because it helps them to better learn about and understand the alien's culture, their standards of beauty, and their psychology. You can sometimes learn even more about a group of people by looking at what seems crude as opposed to "high class art". And how could you tell the difference if the culture was really different from you own?
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Aug 14, 2016
Asexual reproduction...

Yes, it really is a thing.
The good thing about that is that as long as there is enough food and space one can become many. The downside being that because they are all clones one effects one of them effects all of them. So one virus could kill off the whole race super fact because there is no genetic diversity to slow it down or stop it.

Having a lot of genetic diversity is part of the reason the Human race lasted this long. It would be really hard for a single virus to kill off the whole human race because odds are there is always going to be handful of people who are immune to it. And if you can find those people early on and find out how it is not effecting them you can make a cure from that.

After all remember that viruses and bacteria are part of an never ending war too that we are all apart of every moment of our lives and even after death.
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