1. The camera is a lot smoother now, and with the right sensitivity, navigating between hills and trees feels fun.
2. The transition between jetpack phase and gliding seems too quick, it's almost instantaneous and looks awkward on a mechanical frame. While it does not require an anime-esque transition montage, it does need a bit of delay while the gliders deploy.
3. The gliding lacks any feeling of momentum. The initial builds had a sense of gaining momentum especially when you did a nosedive. Starting a glide from the top of one mountain, nosediving and skimming across, and then pulling up could carry you a significant way up the next mountain.
4. Echoing
@Thorp, gliding seems like it can go on forever, coupled with overthrust and the jetpack. Honestly this was always going to be a problem with the on-demand gliders. You can achieve extreme heights by combining overthrust and the jetpack, as is. At some point, you end up with too much mobility, leading to a need to nerf the jumpjets/abilities that grant mobility. Personally, I would rather not have that happen. Though, in the end, this is a test phase and numbers are not likely to stay the same going into a more 'live' build.
However, as unpopular as it may seem, I would rather have the in-built glider duration nerfed, so that the overall distance a frame can travel is limited.
I know this is the glider build, but I'll add an opinion on Overthrust. If the plan is indeed to mirror the afterburner ability, it needs some tweaking. With Overthrust the actual 'thrust' part seems to be somewhere in the middle of the animation. Additionally, the ability provides the thrust over a significantly larger period of time, almost as though the frame is being 'carried' over the distance.
Afterburner had a more 'thrown' feeling. The thrust was loaded into the first few frames, and the remainder of the movement came from the momentum gained from that initial thrust. There was a lot more thrill to using Afterburner, one could actually feel the burst of speed you gained from using the ability.