Heyy all!
Most of you already know me and know that I make some game-play into game-trailer style videos. I haven't made many though cause they take forever to make and I get regrets starting them lol, one ended up taking 70 hours to create (Firefall- OWPVP Frag Zone).
The first vid I made was for the Firefall competition Amazon Warzone in 60 seconds coming tied 1st place winning any in-game item of choice, I picked Celestial Wings. I was pretty stoked because that was the only video I have ever made and never used Sony Vegas before. But I didn't want to just grab the prize and run...
Then came Firefall - Firestorm which most of you have seen and some of you were apart of! and sill is the best one. Because of this community every video after my 1st has been made with you guys or by someone/other-community supplying the replay file/s. I only settle to make as high quality content as possible rather than punching many out.
The Firefall - Scarlet Dawn has some Em-8er at the end of it.
I'm not claiming to be anyone special but anyone can use what I've made to your own use, I don't really care, credit or none, help me/help you if you like
If Em-8er gets a replay/spectate/disable UI feature then I will make more Em-8er content.
And if there is any other games with replay features in it please let me know!
Most of you already know me and know that I make some game-play into game-trailer style videos. I haven't made many though cause they take forever to make and I get regrets starting them lol, one ended up taking 70 hours to create (Firefall- OWPVP Frag Zone).
The first vid I made was for the Firefall competition Amazon Warzone in 60 seconds coming tied 1st place winning any in-game item of choice, I picked Celestial Wings. I was pretty stoked because that was the only video I have ever made and never used Sony Vegas before. But I didn't want to just grab the prize and run...
Then came Firefall - Firestorm which most of you have seen and some of you were apart of! and sill is the best one. Because of this community every video after my 1st has been made with you guys or by someone/other-community supplying the replay file/s. I only settle to make as high quality content as possible rather than punching many out.
The Firefall - Scarlet Dawn has some Em-8er at the end of it.
I'm not claiming to be anyone special but anyone can use what I've made to your own use, I don't really care, credit or none, help me/help you if you like
If Em-8er gets a replay/spectate/disable UI feature then I will make more Em-8er content.
And if there is any other games with replay features in it please let me know!
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