If you're able to get up in there, and punch the generator, why not get up in there and shoot it? Or just shoot the Kajiu to death once you're under the shield...
Oh come on, if the THMPR in the art is gonna swear at the Kaiju it at least needs a rude gesture of some kind. Hundred times better if it does both in game, too.
When I first time see FireFall and artstyle I fell in love and immediately sepend 100$ for Founder pack
When I see this... So sad thats past days in FireFall is can't be returned
Well since everyone else is praising this I guess I will be the one to say some things I dont like about it.
The lower legs and feet still look like crap to me "chicken legs".
The spine area thing is too skinny looks like it would snap like a twig under the weight.
The hands look weird.
The arms seem way longer than the legs which makes it look odd.