Emergency Weather Alert System

Aug 14, 2016
Because the Humans are terraforming Em-8er while being attacked by different lifeforms. It stands to reason that some times the terraforming equipment will break down or be damaged in an attack. When this happens the control chaos the terraforming does can become unstable and run out of control. When this happens what would be the outcome? The goal of this thread is to try and explore the different ways terraforming can go wrong as a way to make up story elements and/or gameplay elements. The question of what is possible and what is not possible is only really limited by how the terraforming equipment works and how the planet itself as well as different lifeforms react to it.

That kind of events would you like to see happen if and when the terraforming going out of control? What kind of mission types might be linked to those events? Do we have to try and fix it before things get to far out of hand? Do we have to try and put a stop to it by destroying it? Or do we have to try and survive until it is all over?

i'll start by listed some odd types of dangerous natural events we have here on Earth in real life, in no particular order, that could pop up as random on Em-8er as things get out of hand.
  • Raining fish
  • Raining spiders
  • Microburst = I really powerful downdraft often linked to thunderstorms that can make product tornado force winds pushing out away from the center.
  • Dark Lightning = Lightning strikes so powerful that the make gamma rays. (This can happen in real life on Earth only in a few locations.)
  • Horizontal tornados
  • Thundersnow
  • Volcanic lightning = Happens when some volcanoes erupt. The static electricity caused by the dust, ash, ice, and/or snow colliding is power enough to make its own lighting within the ash cloud, or frost cloud if dealing with a cryovolcano.
  • Catatumbo lightning
  • Blood rain
  • Fire tornado a.k.a Fire whirl = (Overly simplistic explanation) A tornado made out of fire. Often only seen in large wild fires where the amount of heat rapidly moves air around until a vortex forms.
  • Population explosion = This can be bad for a number of different reason going by what lifeforms does it. For example when some types of algae or bacteria have a population boom they also make a lot of toxic substances capable killing off other lifeforms on mass, even humans, as some of the toxic substances are gases that the winds can carry onto land.
  • Earthquake storm = (Overly simplistic explanation) A chain reaction of earthquakes all happening within the same area in a relatively short period of time.
  • Basalt eruption
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
What if you could combine a few types such as:

- Spikes of energy fluid causes spikes to form out of the ground and cause an earthquake which could hurt and push you far.

These could occur randomly to avoid preservation of the energy fluid's supply of certain minerals.

- A dark fog that appears with a high chance of a sink hole appearing this impairs the vision and bring those near the sink hole to end up else where that could not be pleasant!

These could happen due to the unpredictable changes in dark ice crystals. The sink holes appear randomly to add more of a danger sometimes you may appear in secret tunnels other times you may just end up in serious danger or even death!

- floating Cloud that explodes , scattered and appears to float if you get too close to it or disrupt its direction the strange like cloud follows you and upon contact explode causing the other clouds to be alerted and follow.

Perhaps these clouds are microscopic lifeforms created from above to help maintain the weather. They float down from above to eat off from the ground such as the debris and junk left around once they are done they go up into the sky and hibernate.

If they are interrupted the weather could be affected for better or worse hmm

- Screaming storm these winds scream caused by the incredible speeds, the sounds and forces created can sometimes cause extensive damage to structures and pilots alike.

Avoid if possible but staying too long could cause disorientation and to faint leaving you vulnerable!
Aug 14, 2016
The idea of mixing events together is a good one. After all, this does happen in real life too as some events do spawn other events or lead into them. For example hurricanes not only make floods with all the rain and the storm surge, but they also some times spawn tornados too. Meaning that you can be in the middle of a hurricane in flood with a tornado or two in the area. So having events stack on top of each other or bleed into each other just makes sense and adds to the realism. As long as the events don't actively cancel each other out they can co-exist or even make each other more powerful. Like an earthquake lowering the land in a rift zone and because the land is not lower that flood water rise higher.

Also there are many different ways to terraform a planet. I'm not sure what type of tarraforming they are using on Em-8er. But if they are using things like nanobots odd things can happen to land, seas, and air if the nanobots are are damaged or there is an error in their programming. This also means that sometimes living beings can interface with the nanobots in odd ways as seen in other sci-fi. Like the because the nanobots are everywhere and even inside the bodies of all the things living on the planet some of the animals and even plants have learned how to use them to their advantage. Some even evolving things like brainwaves to mimic things like wi-fi so they can control the nanobots in and/or around their bodies given the illusion of animals and plants that can use magic if they are unaware of the nanobots.
Aug 14, 2016
I was thinking about chain reaction events and thought about what would happen if there was wild life chain events that could happen if the players don't keep them under control.

Warning! There has been a population explosion of rats do to rapid growth of vegetation in the area. This will attach more predators to the area. Be on guard.

I can picture as time pass if players don't do anything more and more predators will show up in the area until the ecosystem finds a balance again. But this might not be a good things for us as some of those predators might see humans as food. And even the ones who don't see us as food might still attack up because they see us as the threat (For example, snakes don't bit people because they want to eat us but rather because they are afraid of us.). And some animals became more dangerous when they are trying to protect their young. So even normally peaceful animals might start to attack us if we get to close to their nest, den, and/or young. And let's not forget carnivorous plants that could start to grow in number too.

If Em-8er has a hunter and prey like the early days of FireFall did. It would not be hard to see packs of animals walking around hunting each other and even the players. When a population boom happens there might just be to many of them to fight. Sure you can fight off a few ants, but there is a point there the number of ants is just to much and you lose. And then the game turns into would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck? lol