Em8er class specialized paths ideas


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
What specialized paths could you see for the different classes?

Here is one to start:

[Carrier path way] Can be unlocked for any class

The carrier is one of the strongest able to carry pets/baby/pilot or extra equipment when required.
Due to their training in high altitudes, pilot focus attributes to even medical experience they are competent Reapers.

This could be useful for pulling out injured npc /players out of wreckages, burning buildings to carry them and transport to a safe zones or cover.

Some may carry them away to hide using digging tools burrowing the ground to place pod and covering from preying eyes. Especially away from known punks such as hunters, pirates, escaped psychopaths escaped from cell 548795 trying to target them!

This specialized focus could help however they will still need help or else there is more casualties than survivors.

Some funny images to get your imagination going with this class

The carrier enjoys good relaxing times after a tough day because lifting things is not only for work it is also part of life.
Once you are carried you must carry someone else and the cycle of carry continues the tradition.

Achievement to earn:

- Got you! on my back! (Exactly that someone carried you on their back)
- Carried away (Carried so many you just got very good at this)
- Pick me up (Saved some demanding babies/pets)
- Weight on my shoulders (carried virtually all in the biome)
- Stay put & Breath (Hiding vip's underground/cover without getting caught)
Aug 14, 2016
Background: Career Babysitter
Do to decades of caring for babies and children this person has gain the ability to control chaos and use it to their favor. Watching over and taking care of groups of kids is no different from watching over for squadmates on the battlefield. Do to a heightened sense situational awareness not only they can they predict the movements and actions of allies but of the enemy too. This allows them to better support there allies by aiding them in their actions but also by stopping the enemy's actions before they start it.

I would say that is a joke. But if you spent a few years babysitting groups of kids, you too will learn to how make a map, radar, and predictive algorithms in your head to make sure the kids don't hurt themselves. I know, I was a babysitter for 20 years and I can't turn that radar in my head off no matter what. lol
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Background: Career Babysitter
Do to decades of caring for babies and children this person has gain the ability to control chaos and use it to their favor. Watching over and taking care of groups of kids is no different from watching over for squadmates on the battlefield. Do to a heightened sense situational awareness not only they can they predict the movements and actions of allies but of the enemy too. This allows them to better support there allies by aiding them in their actions but also by stopping the enemy's actions before they start it.

I would say that is a joke. But if you spent a few years babysitting groups of kids, you too will learn to how make a map, radar, and predictive algorithms in your head to make sure the kids don't hurt themselves. I know, I was a babysitter for 20 years and I can't turn that radar in my head off no matter what. lol
As funny as that sounds makes perfect sense, then you can influence the big babies too such as when to tidy up or throw toys out of their prams because it is the jerk tsihu's fault pointing at them.

In that case the big babies could be synced to wearable tech such as a mohawk bigwig master controller this is a state of the art mohawk with light up colours that is great in the dark also lets them connect with their toys to do snooping missions or even replace files, to pestering tsihu and civilians to cause well deserved mayhem.

However if the parents find out what you been doing you go to the Reaper re-education center where a strange reaper wearing a kaiju outfit will explain to you about the dos and don'ts as a potential reaper.

Should you hack your way out of the Reaper re-education center and you will be listed as a baby influencer criminal on the small wanted board and be escorted to your crib if apprehended, given educational files such as "Why being bad is good and good not so good vol 1 Virtual Re-education Simulation"

I guess this specialism would be focused on communication/intelligence, where you can communicate with babies using state of the art toys e.g. Stretch hamstring figure to small flying saucers with feet etc and build your small intelligence empire, influencing them, push mayhem is required or just make them look adorable for great distraction!!
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Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
Yes, things like information gathering, commination, and coordination are key skills for baby sitters to have. After all, you don't just have to keep yourself safe but also the others around you, who might not be aware of all the dangers. And some times that means acting in a way that doesn't seem like it make sense at the time to others because you are taking action to stop something before it happens.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
Likes: Pandagnome