Discussion: Time Travel Mechanics


Jul 26, 2016
My dad and I were discussing...well, it's complicated...but at one point he made a comparison to time having DNA, which I think has interesting implications for Science Fiction in general and Em8er in particular. For instance, we know that the tsi-hu were trapped in a time loop. Suppose that creates, for them, an infinite amount of timelines (at least until they get broken out.) and what if each timeline had its own DNA? What if mining Time Ore from one place had a specific DNA that affected the particular time loop that the Tsi-Hu that were currently attacking you broke out of?



Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Well, if Time Ore is timeline specific, then it should have a variety of designations to tell the difference in game. Now what that would bring to the game, good or bad, is another matter.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
So if i am understanding this if we get the time ore the portals could lead us to a different alternate world like ours but with different time line and changes e.g.

In the tv show sliders you could have one of the characters as a hero in their own world but in the other world that character becomes an outlaw etc.

it should have a variety of designations to tell the difference in game. Now what that would bring to the game, good or bad, is another matter.
If such alternate world exists could that be done as a result of our collective world choices of not defending or defending etc That would mean the Game Director A.I would take those factors and perhaps change the alternate world's e.g

- Weather patterns

- Create a Mutation like in l4d2 where you may use or do something but wont be able to use or do something else
e.g. staying on the ground too long could damage you because the ground is alive and tries to eat you.

So you would have to jetpack and glide more in this world the energy lvl is higher the only downside is there is way more threats than the normal world etc etc

- Alternate race types e.g. chicken head floating donut race
- Npc roles
- Gravity
- Colour of the terrian, enviroment
- Sounds might be strange
- day/night cycle could be longer nights than day or the sky is completely red etc
- Enemy movement could be more unpredictable and odd.
etc etc

These time ores wont be easy to get i mean if they were wouldn't feel like oh cool this was worth all that effort. If it was readily available have no value in just getting time ores by the bucket load.

Crafters could create limited time ores lets say they are more unstable than true time ores, since crafters may have a specialist area and they use a few combination of rare resources and alot less time ore they could create a temporary unstable time ore that could be used for some hours until it just becomes unstable and disappears.

This is something like the argon crystals from warframe these are limited time use for creating stuff i think that could be a good idea for recon missions.
Likes: Wyntyr


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Oh also would some of the tsihu buildings be there or any other various kinds of structures and statues etc

What about if areas are more worn downed and some not.

Imagine this your in paradise there's some palm trees, and yes coconuts that fall from the tree open up and micro kaiju's charge at you. Your wondering how many coconuts there are going to be and how random those coconuts are going to fall would it be a bump of the tree that dislodges them out or the gust of wind from the shores hmm

Thats another thing what if one place in time was completely flooded then the top layer in ice and the hardening of larva. When you break out of the top layer you find a place full of smoke and chared and burnt areas its a weird contrast and you find an astroid and inside is the very very first tsihu