Just how many different area's are you expecting for a first alpha map? Fire and Ice seems like a good start to me. Beyond that it's entirely up to Grummz and his team. Not sure we will have much input on it.
I think it is important for us to maintain realistic expectations about what can be delivered.
I am glad otherwise if i was incharge i would have a world with
ice, fire, wind, sand, jungle, underwater, low gravity floating around, microscopic, alternative map where everything is upside down and aliens that mime, Misty cloud where pigeons rule and use lightening to power their space castle and drilling an asteroid to mine for mineral before it hits the planet surface and escaping or blowing up the asteroid otherwise you go splat....Also on the side a super mario kart like game with mechs to pass the time.
In my head this seems like the ultimate dream game i have ever wanted but in reality well nope lol