One of my favorite things during my time playing FireFall Beta was THMPNG. Back in Beta there wasnt much going on so that took up a great deal of my time. I LOVED IT. I would Thump for hours solo, with friends or helping others out.
Ive been thinking what was it about the FF Thumper encounter that was so fullfilling?
Well for me it was the nature of the enemies I would fight during the encounter. Back in FF the Fauna was varied and unexpected. The types of creatures that would be attracted to the THMPR also depended on WHERE you dropped it. By the beach, a mix of land and sea creepy crawlers, on the plains a mix of land and airborne enemies.
Each creature had to be handled slightly different so every encounter was a puzzle to figure out for me on how to defend the THMPR.
I know in Em8ER our main enemy will be the Tsi-hu which so far as we know/seen comes in 4 forms, regular grunt, large grunt, grappling grunt and Beast mode, also their Kaiju which will come in different categories.
Right now it is the Tsi-hu we are fighting while we are THMPNG.
Lore-Wise the Tsi-hu have been releasing tons of creepy crawlers, fliers, bugs, weird little creatures through their portals to help in their war against us. These could be small creatures native to the Tsi-hu that have been engineered with bio/cyber weapons into their bodies. Each of these little "harassment " enemies would have a different way of attacking just like in FireFall. This would make every THMPR encounter a new and different experience than the last.
The Tsi-hu could have released them onto Em8ER to help pad out their numbers against us, to harass us while they concentrate on the bigger war picture.
As in FireFall the smaller "harassment" creatures would be everywhere in small numbers but be attracted to our THMPRS and come in greater numbers when one is dropped. This would not eliminate the Ts-hu from ever attacking our THMPRS along side them, but would give the THMPR encounter that wonderful feeling that FireFall had- never really knowing what type of creatures you would have to fight dependent on WHERE you drop your THMPR.
This is what I imagine to keep the combat fresh (instead of fighting Tsi-hu warriors all the time)
**When Thumping- attacked by mostly small Tsi-hu harassment creatures attracted to the THMPR. EXCEPT if a group of Tsi-hu warriors are nearby or you are Thumpin near the invasion line/or a base taken over by Tsi-hu, then warriors or even a smaller Kaiju would also attack your THMPR along with the usual harrassment creatures.
**When Defending/retaking a Base or invasion- attacked by majority of Tsi-hu warriors and Kaiju (maybe random harrassment creatures also)
For me, this scenario recreates the diversity and excitement of Thumper combat in prelaunch FF. It would also differentiate fighting during Thumping and base/invasion fighting so players don't get bored just fighting the Tsi-hu over and over.
I hope the Devs read this and take it into consideration as I feel it would enhance the game greatly from both a players stance and Lore stance.
Thank You
Ive been thinking what was it about the FF Thumper encounter that was so fullfilling?
Well for me it was the nature of the enemies I would fight during the encounter. Back in FF the Fauna was varied and unexpected. The types of creatures that would be attracted to the THMPR also depended on WHERE you dropped it. By the beach, a mix of land and sea creepy crawlers, on the plains a mix of land and airborne enemies.
Each creature had to be handled slightly different so every encounter was a puzzle to figure out for me on how to defend the THMPR.
I know in Em8ER our main enemy will be the Tsi-hu which so far as we know/seen comes in 4 forms, regular grunt, large grunt, grappling grunt and Beast mode, also their Kaiju which will come in different categories.
Right now it is the Tsi-hu we are fighting while we are THMPNG.
Lore-Wise the Tsi-hu have been releasing tons of creepy crawlers, fliers, bugs, weird little creatures through their portals to help in their war against us. These could be small creatures native to the Tsi-hu that have been engineered with bio/cyber weapons into their bodies. Each of these little "harassment " enemies would have a different way of attacking just like in FireFall. This would make every THMPR encounter a new and different experience than the last.
The Tsi-hu could have released them onto Em8ER to help pad out their numbers against us, to harass us while they concentrate on the bigger war picture.
As in FireFall the smaller "harassment" creatures would be everywhere in small numbers but be attracted to our THMPRS and come in greater numbers when one is dropped. This would not eliminate the Ts-hu from ever attacking our THMPRS along side them, but would give the THMPR encounter that wonderful feeling that FireFall had- never really knowing what type of creatures you would have to fight dependent on WHERE you drop your THMPR.
This is what I imagine to keep the combat fresh (instead of fighting Tsi-hu warriors all the time)
**When Thumping- attacked by mostly small Tsi-hu harassment creatures attracted to the THMPR. EXCEPT if a group of Tsi-hu warriors are nearby or you are Thumpin near the invasion line/or a base taken over by Tsi-hu, then warriors or even a smaller Kaiju would also attack your THMPR along with the usual harrassment creatures.
**When Defending/retaking a Base or invasion- attacked by majority of Tsi-hu warriors and Kaiju (maybe random harrassment creatures also)
For me, this scenario recreates the diversity and excitement of Thumper combat in prelaunch FF. It would also differentiate fighting during Thumping and base/invasion fighting so players don't get bored just fighting the Tsi-hu over and over.
I hope the Devs read this and take it into consideration as I feel it would enhance the game greatly from both a players stance and Lore stance.
Thank You
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