Concerns about future Censorship

Oct 1, 2022
Behind you
First of all i know this is a sensitive Topic and i have already seen a Post here in the Forums that a few People are already upset about "too revealing Outfits" (wich in my opinion, too revealing doesn't exist). A lot of Games nowadays fall Victim to social/political/personal correctness and people telling other people what they should and shouldn't like, and i wholeheartedly hope this won't happen to this Game, because i saw it happen to other great Games even after they were released for about a Year (for example: Blade&Soul, Lost Ark) and once it happened it really took away the Immersion and Satisfaction of having a personalized Character.
I heard about a Skin filtering Option wich is great for overly sensitive People, but a majoritiy of Players would prefer the more "open" Skins i imagine(as seen in other Games and as advertised). Like someone already said we are Adults and we chose for ourselves what we want to see and not for others.
I Personally would love to see more Outfit Systems like Scarlet Blade, but i'd like to hear from the Devs what their Plans/Perspective on that Topic is.

On a side Note i'd love to see the Progress and play the Alpha/Beta in a few Years im eagerly looking forward for the full Game. :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammatical Mistakes, my native Language is not English. And i hope this doesn't create a too heated Debate like on other Forums...)
(Also Me and my Friends were the ones who found the infinite Flight Bug with the Jump/FlightPads on the release of Firefall. good times haha)
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
a few People are already upset about "too revealing Outfits" (wich in my opinion, too revealing doesn't exist)
I know it is a game but some like to decide in how modestly dressed they are or not.

So this Skin filter helps with that, just like some use the profanity filter and others even for the gore.

With the maturity rating think Teen rating was mentioned for Em8er if i remember right.

Example of maturity ratings

(Sorry for any spelling/grammatical Mistakes, my native Language is not English.
Would not of known and wonder what your native language is ?

Also Me and my Friends were the ones who found the infinite Flight Bug with the Jump/FlightPads on the release of Firefall. good times haha)
Will you find some in Em8er would be fun to have the greatest Em8er bug hits compilation!
Likes: metaking#2228
Oct 1, 2022
Behind you
So this Skin filter helps with that, just like some use the profanity filter and others even for the gore.
Yea its a great Option like i said :)

With the maturity rating think Teen rating was mentioned for Em8er if i remember right.
Thanks for the Info :)

Would not of known and wonder what your native language is ?
My native Language is German.

Will you find some in Em8er would be fun to have the greatest Em8er bug hits compilation!
I've never done a Compilation but maybe i'll do a List of some sort if i find any bugs once the Alpha/Beta is out :)
I don't like Loli Characters, i was refering to more mature looking Characters.

And on another Note here are some Outfits that i liked from other Games la2.JPG Portraits_160219_000.jpg Portraits_160312_000.jpg Portraits_170123_000.jpg Lostark.JPG
and then theres the Scarlet Blade Outfit system
but i dont think i can post it here because you can remove the whole outfit (and underwear). SBf.JPG
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
My native Language is German.
Guten Tag

(Thanks translator)

I've never done a Compilation but maybe i'll do a List of some sort if i find any bugs once the Alpha/Beta is out :)
Yes this will be wonderful compilation of strange and funny bugs, please post it on the forum :cool:

These look great!

Imagine what kind of skins could appear even if someone may not like loli
characters etc.

With various characters styles and customization, because with this filter it can give a way for
a wider audience to be who they want for sure.

Hopefully i'll be Reaper gnome of panda and incredibly short :D
For my other characters alien looking or maybe a human have to see what options there will be hmm
Likes: metaking#2228
Mar 18, 2021
First of all i know this is a sensitive Topic and i have already seen a Post here in the Forums that a few People are already upset about "too revealing Outfits" (wich in my opinion, too revealing doesn't exist). A lot of Games nowadays fall Victim to social/political/personal correctness and people telling other people what they should and shouldn't like, and i wholeheartedly hope this won't happen to this Game, because i saw it happen to other great Games even after they were released for about a Year (for example: Blade&Soul, Lost Ark) and once it happened it really took away the Immersion and Satisfaction of having a personalized Character.
I heard about a Skin filtering Option wich is great for overly sensitive People, but a majoritiy of Players would prefer the more "open" Skins i imagine(as seen in other Games and as advertised). Like someone already said we are Adults and we chose for ourselves what we want to see and not for others. I Personally would love to see more Outfit Systems like Scarlet Blade, but i'd like to hear from the Devs what their Plans/Perspective on that Topic is.
I agree with you, but why do you word it in a way to imply that the censorship is happening to both genders?

Anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of the culture war knows that it's only the female characters that are targeted, attacked and censored.

Just call a spade a spade instead of trying to appear "neutral".

metaking#2228 said:
I Personally would love to see more Outfit Systems like Scarlet Blade
I would as well for the female characters, but I'm sure the developers know the controversy it would cause, and know that it would also cause criticism/attacks towards the game from the media and the usual brigades.

I mean, there's already fans/supporters of Em8er who complain about the revealing outfits of the female characters.

Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT defending censorship or are anti-female-fanservice (I am the complete opposite in fact), but a lot of people do not realize how hostile and scathing the Western gaming industry's environment is towards developers/creators who design female characters with any hint of attractiveness and/or femininity.

The Overton Window has shifted so far in favour of the Prudes/Political Mob that any attractive/hot female characters are now seen as automatically "unacceptable" and "abnormal". A decade of Anita Sarkeesian style politics and brainwashing does that.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2019
I can open the play store, randomly choose a game with my eyes closed and there's about a 50/50 shot it will have waifus. There is no statement here, it is a design choice. We used to have Laura Croft and Mortal Kombat and those were concidered risque at the time.

It's called a persecution fetish....


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
First of all i know this is a sensitive Topic...
It's not a sensitive topic at all.

The position @Grummz has taken in public is to be able to compare skins to popular games, and err on the side of being conservative. So far there has not been a skin which is even close to what other games show.

You are correct in bringing up the skin filtering concept; that solves any sensitivity issues now or later, such as some hypothetical platform-wide limitation with waifu on xbox, playstation, steam, epic, a specific country, etc.

Fun facts:

- The main artist for female skins has an NSFW-tagged Twitter. What's been done so far is tame. :)
- The artist immediately lewded the first sketch of the kaiju; what I called a "waiju"
- Rule 34 is explicitly condoned.
Dec 4, 2020
if i'd wave an issue with htose skins it would be that they seem a bit lackluster on the immersive and worldbuiding side. What would feel natural for me would that they would wear some kind of protecting overall and having naked pinups at their lockers in the garage, male and female.
Likes: farias