Concept: Resource Quality and Value


Jul 26, 2016
What if the qualities was not linked to the to how "good" the materials you mine are but rather their purity? For example, let's say you are looking for iron. Finding pure iron naturally is rare but finding iron deposits and vines mixed in with other things is common. And real difference between a good mine and a bad mine is the yield of the mine versus how hard it is to separate the iron from other materials bounded to it. This is way you have to refine things to purify them and concentrate them into something useful. So in this way the qualities of things more denotes how much progressing you have to do latter before you turn it into something pure.

This is a better example of what I mean. This video shows how we make aluminum there is no real pure aluminum deposits on Earth, the aluminum is always mixed in with other elements.
I figured that's what was planned, but that's not what I was talking about. I mean what if there was some incentive for low purity mats over high ones in some instances?


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Purity is a matter of refinement, ore has no real purity. I would rather see ore be flat and we get various purity values out of the refinement process, and then have different purity values have more of a horizontal aspect than vertical. Low purity X might add to fire rate, but cause the weapon to overheat faster or some such.
Aug 14, 2016
I figured that's what was planned, but that's not what I was talking about. I mean what if there was some incentive for low purity mats over high ones in some instances?
Ok, I get where coming from now. I was thinking more about the process as a whole where the quality of something can change or be altered at key steps into trying to make it into something useful. You can't really do anything about the different elements that make up an ore or vine of material. But how you refine it and much you refine it can change the outcome.

Like I could just refine pure iron and be done with it. And just use iron to make things. Or I can and carbon to the iron to transform it into steel. The more carbon I and to the iron the harder the steel will become. But but I also comes with the risk of being to brittle as it loses flexibility. So how flexible or hard the steel is relays of the refining process. And that is where the quality of it comes in my mind.

As for finding uses for different qualities of things that is a different matter. Because that would depend on what we are talking about. As different things have different properties than can change based on the quality. For example some things gain or lose a magnetic field based on their quality. And going by what you are trying to make you might not want a magnetic field there or do want one there. Just like how with cooking. Some foods taste different based on things like age, processing, and storage which counts towards the quality of the food. What you make out it can be anything from medication, to a 5 start dinner, to dog food. Before I can come up with some reasonable ideas for how to use low quality materials in the game, I need to know what those are so I can know what properties change in them and best to use those differences to make something else. Because going back to the cooking thing again. A cut of meat might not be a good enough quality for a steak dinner, but can still make a great stew or hamburger.

Purity is a matter of refinement, ore has no real purity. I would rather see ore be flat and we get various purity values out of the refinement process, and then have different purity values have more of a horizontal aspect than vertical. Low purity X might add to fire rate, but cause the weapon to overheat faster or some such.
I would also like to see things as more of a horizontal scale than a vertical one. If the different properties of a material can exist on a spectrum that would be great and more realistic. Having to balance out different aspects of the material to get what you want. Should you go for strength or flexibility or conductivity? What about mass and density versus size and weight distribution? I have a feeling that a good number of us would love that in a crafting system. But I also know that it would have be simplified for an MMO to reach the most people possible. Having things exist on a kind of sliding scale between two different primary properties is most likely going to be case. And then question because what is the size of scale and how finite is it going to be? Because I know that if I want to make the best metal sword possible that need to balance out the hardness of the blade with how flexible it is. Too much in ether direction will make a low quality sword that is ether to hard, running the risk of shattering easily when used, or to flexible, running the risk of the blade deforming to easily and can't hold an edge. But how many other people know that? And will the tooltips be enough to teach people that?
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
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Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I like the cooking example the difference in some cooking could be a few missing ingredients such as herbs and the final touches.


Soup A 8 vegetables

Soup B 4 vegetables

Soup C 2 vegetables

Does the amount of vegetable count or actually the size/variety of the vegetable you could have e.g. 6 vegetables that are very small but 2 vegetables that are big. This could indeed change the taste of the soup depending on the size/variety and even the % it makes up the soup and the solution that it is in.

You could just gather any sizes of vegetables and add it to the collection so an example you had one big potato and a small potato you just collect all the potatoes then later you could figure out if you want to make a big potato waffle or a medium potato waffle depending on how many are coming to eat!

Now lets say you have very little amount of stuff this could be juiced for a super drink ah what could that be hmm perhaps like an adrenaline shot or a temporary fix kit that gives a short duration to keep going before you need a better solution to repair.

In some drinks they have additional glucose or some with fortified vitamins and minerals these little extras an example in this case replenish loss of minerals,hydrate and an energy boost.

Wonder if it would be organized like this

- Grade type - common, uncommon, rare, supreme, legendary
- Collection Size- Small, medium, large,
- Percentage - The % of the Grade e.g 50% common and 50% rare
- Variety type - e.g. C1 conductive properties 10%, C2 Conductive properties 15%

After crafting e.g. food

- Item Before & after - E.g. Rice to Risotto
- Changes in glycemic value - E.g. high g.i to low g.i
Likes: Omnires


Jul 26, 2016