6 things that will make Ember a must play for me.

What are 6 things that will make Ember perfect for me.

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The furry mod
Staff member
Ember Moderator
Jul 27, 2016
I don't think mod support would fit all that much. The game is planned as an online coop game. It is what firefall should of been but with no pvp. What do you expect to mod?
And I personally don't think achievement add anything good to a game. It just adds skinner box elements to a game. That is just lazy game design to keep people to play. And it also isn't fun.

Sud Monkey

Base Commander
Base Commander
Jul 28, 2016
So like mods that display data? Enemy time? Thumper time remaining?
Indeed. They usually aggregate data from different sources to show the user something useful that the game doesn't provide out of the box. However, there were also mods to improve 'looking for group', and 'resource maps' derived from lots of players' scan hammer results.
Aug 18, 2016
Even mods that change voices or maybe do something similar to "grunt birthday party" in Halo would be fun. As for Steam integration, I don't care as long as I'm not forced to install that crap in order to play the game. Achievements are another one of those things I don't care about.
Aug 1, 2016
And I personally don't think achievement add anything good to a game. It just adds skinner box elements to a game. That is just lazy game design to keep people to play. And it also isn't fun.
99% of the achievements in games aren't good for it. Kill 10.000 aquatic creatures, mine 50.000.000 of resource X, grind for 6 days straight at point Y, unlock everything on class Z even though you use less than 1/4rth of it.
But achievements can be the perfect tools to enhance the game and get people to play outside of their comfort zone, only to expand their comfort zone to incorporate new ways to play the game and have more variation to stave off boredom. Put up achievements for using things effectively and give out a reward for each different playstyle with each class. The rewards should mostly be cosmetic in nature I think.
Each achievement should be winnable with only a few times accomplishing it. Surviving for 5 minutes in an extremely hostile area, accomplishing a tough mission, deflecting/dodging every shot during a single fight etc.
The achievements can go from easy to difficult. Survive a large fight while only receiving 75% damage. Survive a large fight while only receiving 50% damage. Survive a large fight while receiving 25% damage. 90% damage, no damage. etc.
Designing good achievements is ofcourse incredibly difficult.


Kaiju Slayer
Jul 27, 2016
I'm against moddable online game, i don't like the risk mods turns into cheat stuff.

I never really cared for achievements, especially steam achievement. In-game achievement are just a time killer for me when I got nothing better to do. Unless there's a badass skin to unlock as I'm a skin collector (also a pay2skin).

I'm for client AND steam integration.
Steam, even if they need a fee or whatever, is also good to get the game around the world. Better commercial crap and stuff.

Rpg like customization, dunno. If you mean something like class, yes and no.
No to fixed classes, yes to "make your own class". It will be in the game, but not straight on release. Stuff like that gonna acquire a lot of resources.
Likes: NitroMidgets


Kaiju Slayer
Jul 27, 2016

Love it how little people care about achievements. Nice.

Achievements are pointless, unless there's an incentive to complete them for more than just some online points. New customization options or some extra lore-info. Something like that.
I know a few people who actually only play games for the steam achievement. As soon they got all the achievement, they stop playing that game xD
I know a few people who actually only play games for the steam achievement. As soon they got all the achievement, they stop playing that game xD
What the hell are they getting for those achievement points that they do not even care about a game after getting those? Sounds like they don't even care about the game very much, to begin with.
Likes: NitroMidgets


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I don't mind acheivements...I do like getting something other than points...but the prob with that comes from players who don't like achievements complaining that the only way to get certain things is to do them and they don't want too.