Here is the word from Grummz himself,
Wow, what an amazing run so far and we still have 9 hours left! We are at $102,000 and over 500% funded thanks to you! Also we only have 2 Kaiju Slayer Packs left! Funding ends 9 hours. This is the LAST CALL FOR EXCLUSIVE, NEVER AGAIN SEEN perks and unlocks! This is the first and last time motorcycles mounts will ever be offered! Funding ends around midnight tonight PDT. Don't miss out!
Wow, what an amazing run so far and we still have 9 hours left! We are at $102,000 and over 500% funded thanks to you! Also we only have 2 Kaiju Slayer Packs left! Funding ends 9 hours. This is the LAST CALL FOR EXCLUSIVE, NEVER AGAIN SEEN perks and unlocks! This is the first and last time motorcycles mounts will ever be offered! Funding ends around midnight tonight PDT. Don't miss out!