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  1. S

    Giving Every Frame an Ult. Bad idea? Alternative options?

    Players enjoy especially powerful moments that spice up the regular flow of combat. To accomplish that, many game designers give every character class an overpower "ultimate ability" with a long cooldown. That means many games today feel similar common issues. To make a new class stand out...
  2. S

    Can Hard Driver Mode Be a Paid Cosmetic Option?

    I know DE often talks about complexity of geometry clipping in Warframe DevStream due to the variety of models that can clash with each other. So I began wondering what's the cost of maintaining 2 modes of omniframe and how does it affect adding omniframe cosmetic or new animations for...
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    How Will Ember Stay True to the Vision Where Firefall Didn't

    I threw wallet at Firefall. Will throw wallet Ember. However... one thing I never quite got to the bottom of is this: Firefall looked so close to the 2nd milestone. It had invasion. It had repulsors. It had bases. It had turrets. It had crafting. It had escalating enemy strength. The...