Search results

  1. Gyrus

    Deployable Mini Thumper!

    I was just daydreaming while waiting for Firefall to load and wondered if anyone had suggested this. Wouldn't it be cool if we could deploy a mini thumper for when the MEK-A are taking a bit too much aggro. It wouldn't collect resources, just distract mobs. What do you guys think?
  2. Gyrus

    Poll: How much do you think this round be overfunded by?

    What do you predict?
  3. Gyrus

    The Path to Playable Mockup

    Hyped about the next funding stage for Ember. I just wonder if having the Tsihu in the mockup is the best plan. I would have thought that Crixa's answer to Arahna would have been a better choice. Surely, a mob that can be scaled and given different skins and abilities would be better for...
  4. Gyrus

    Traditional Thumping vs MEK-A

    Is there any chance that we'll see traditional thumping for nostalgia's sake as a basic/solo method of resource collecting? Perhaps used when players don't yet have their own refinery or when exploring remote regions. Defending and escorting MEK-A sounds like more of a group undertaking suited...