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  1. myxaplix

    AMA with Grummz tomorrow on R gaming! <Completed>

    1. Any projected date for the game to go alpha and beta 2. Will the game be story/mission driven or more event driven like Firefall If you make Em8ER half as good as FF, I'll be a happy boy.
  2. myxaplix

    Introduction Thread

    I go by Myxaplix. Played Firefall early on and clocked a lot of hours. Really looking forward to Ember. Early Firefall was one of the best sandbox games ever developed and I would still be playing the game today if Red5 didn't go on some never ending development star trek adventure. The last 6...
  3. myxaplix

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    Looking forward to old Firefall mark 2. Bring on the invasions
  4. myxaplix

    Firefall Credit Program - Em-8ER to offer full credit for founder packs

    With all the changes of bosses and games changes, I somehow lost any reference to my having a founders pack. Oh well, its the thought that counts. Will be satisfied with my vet discount
  5. myxaplix

    Firefall Credit Program - Em-8ER to offer full credit for founder packs

    Thanks, that was the problem. Can't wait to start shooting bad guys
  6. myxaplix

    Firefall Credit Program - Em-8ER to offer full credit for founder packs

    Having trouble getting the validation program to accept my firefall account information. In the section for ember profile link I copied the firefall link (account name and number removed here) to the status section of the personal...
  7. myxaplix
  8. myxaplix

    Present yourself!

    I played FF when it was Kern's baby. I'll play the spots off of Ember if it is half as good as the old Firefall. If you can get the combat to run as smoothly as beta FF, I am there.