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  1. Krighton

    Long time Firefall player (4 years I think?) finally bought in..

    Hey all! I just bought my newcomer pack to support the game. I got that marketing email today (and I got sold -_- ) logged in and flew around for a bit and it's amazing. Love the progress and can't wait to see where it goes. I've kept in touch with Faeryl since forever ago as we used to play...
  2. Krighton

    Representation in games and how it can effect players

    If there is a single DROP of politics, virtue signaling, or liberal storyline I will quit before it starts. Posts like the one OP made shouldn't be allowed. There is no need, will never be a need for this in a game. Ever. it's a game. Let's hope this is the end of that.
  3. Krighton

    Firefall Credit Program Updated, IndieGoGo Upgrades Coming!

    I spent over $1100 on Firefall. I only have the commander pack. Is this accurate? Not trying to be greedy, just asking. I'm very much looking forward to playing Em-8ER when it launches and supporting it full bore.
  4. Krighton

    Omniframe Hi-Poly Done. Tsi-Hu Humanoid UPDATE

    Die hard firefall fan here. Just my opinion for long term. The Hands on the suit make no sense. 5 fingers? that's not very efficient for a machine. They don't need 5 fingers. Solid rounded plate for grip, perhaps some sort of "rubber" but at least swap the fingers for something better. The...
  5. Krighton

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    Checking in! :)
  6. Krighton

    Firefall Credit Program - Em-8ER to offer full credit for founder packs

    Grummz! Thank you for this conversion! Super cool of you. Can't wait to play this game!