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  1. Degiance

    Worries about gameplay...

    I wouldn't claim to be objective while constantly trying to push my idea as the "only good idea" while dismissing valid points and concerns raised by others. Without raising a valid or okay counter suggestion how to make it work or improve upon the original idea. Thus making it constructive...
  2. Degiance

    The Last Post Wins

    See or c?
  3. Degiance

    The Last Post Wins

    Maybe, maybe not.
  4. Degiance

    Worries about gameplay...

    If all that comes true i will not have any worries about gameplay. Your post was pretty much a homerun.
  5. Degiance

    The Last Post Wins

    "Time heals everything and yet it slowly kills you."
  6. Degiance

    Worries about gameplay...

    So true.. You'd think people would get tired of doing that stuff but no. Some people just have to chase that false pride in form of leaderboard placement. And what comes to Yes! definetly.
  7. Degiance

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    "We have guns..."
  8. Degiance

    Rabbit slaying motivation.

    Sometimes i need something with a melody, for mood tune up.. The lyrics help alot aswell. But then again if im already fired up, i can come crashing in like... Well the picture says it. But when it's really intense i either get this song playing or i start to hum it.
  9. Degiance

    In-game callsigns

    Yeah i was reading your post like "Wait a minute that looks familiar.. Better find a funny gif and a pic to follow it *runs around aimlessly*"
  10. Degiance

    Emberize the Memes

    Okay that's just pure win.
  11. Degiance

    In-game callsigns

    Well it could work if there was given a option to choose, like if your making a light frame with healing, support aspects you could choose to be called a medic and you could rank up on that based on your war record like in a roleplay type of way to improve the immersion that it is a war againts...
  12. Degiance

    Instance debate

    You should also consider the RTS element. When you take in everything mentioned in the visions book. Sure i can see instances as a off-time kinda thing when people can be sure Kai-ju aren't gona wreck the bases or the AI isn't plotting something while people are hustling to collect resources to...
  13. Degiance

    What song are you listening right now?

    This kinda started playing in the background while reading the how to punish death and reward skill topic.
  14. Degiance

    How can Em8-er punish death and require skill?

    I personally dislike that problem aswell, i don't mind it when it just effects one player but big fight mechanic being reduced to:"Look how many bodies i can throw in the blender till it breaks!" kinda thing. Ruins immersion and feel for the game (If i can say it like that) Or worse yet...
  15. Degiance

    idea: Enhanced screenshot functionality

    I was more thinking of a UAV drone type of thing with selfie functionality, you could set to follow and snap screens of you turning kills or when you use a ability or record you while doing random shenaningans like slaughtering them rabbits. So you could do like a intro about yourself in some...
  16. Degiance

    idea: Enhanced screenshot functionality

    I was thinking the other day if Em-8er could have this survailance drone kinda mechanic if you press the screenshot button down for few seconds? (I don't mean it should be implemented right off the bat, but maybe like way later) This tiny drone floating about you can controll and take a selfie...
  17. Degiance

    How can Em8-er punish death and require skill?

    Yes and no. It really depends which is why i do believe people are discussing all the realms of possibility and not certainty. I personally don't want Em-8er being turned to a typical loltard shooter where a single person can take on everything without breaking a sweat while the rest of the 199...
  18. Degiance

    How can Em8-er punish death and require skill?

    I get the feeling Kevin is abit of a d*ck in the scenario and hasn't heard of fair play and is being very unsportman like. (I have met alot of Kevin's in my game life and Kevin is usually tarred feathered and carried out of the social sphere of influence rather quickly in proper communities. But...
  19. Degiance

    How can Em8-er punish death and require skill?

    Sorry for a moment there i totally imagined Bob Burger's as a Kaiju fodder food joint. *imagines a towering Kaiju with a spatula and a chefs hat and a apron that says:"I eat noobs for breakfast!"* (You just had to choose the siege engine as the mad chef didn't you? xP ) That suggested scenario...