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  1. Degiance


  2. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    Well at least they were true to their word.
  3. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    *trophy unlocked*
  4. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    I wish this had a caption. *edit* No wait Torgue already did the caption above xD
  5. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    That's one big bunny.
  6. Degiance

    Cute, funny stuff spam. (No political stuff)

    So yeah cute or funny stuff spam pics, videos etc just like last time without the politics spam in between.
  7. Degiance

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    Perkele... That is all
  8. Degiance

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    First translation was Latin and the second was in French i wanted to see how that old prayer would translate to other languages, as hakkapellitas or hackspells were this Finnish cavalry unit with a rather awesome reputation. In the hundred years of war, now dubbed the 30 year war in some sources.
  9. Degiance

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

    « A horribile Haccapaelitorum agmine libera nos, Domine » (« Seigneur, délivre-nous de cette horrible armée des hakkapélites »)