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  1. Grummz

    NightStroke's Sketchbook

    BTW, @Legend57 did a cool one too. Where did he post it?
  2. Grummz

    NightStroke's Sketchbook

    Cool stuff. I need to learn to draw!
  3. Grummz

    Board software upgraded

    Thanks for your patience. We have completed the important update to the Xenforo forum software tonight and things seem to be running smoothly.
  4. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    Using emissive materials in Unreal, we can do lights like we had in FF.
  5. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    I like the glows. I mentioned in Discord that EM-8ER might be a twilight planet with dark nights and only semi-bright days. So glowing would show off nicely. Just an idea, don't hold me to it. :)
  6. Grummz

    The Omniframe Revealed

    Since we're tight on funding, its best that we try out the current Omniframe in a playable build. We can take steps to adjust things after that if our KS is successful. I'm still debating the frame size myself, but until I can get it into the build and play with it there is no real way to tell...
  7. Grummz

    Last day of Ember Milestone 2 Funding While we are not doing stretch goals, if anyone wanted to get in on the exe perks for the THMPR and Omniframe 3d assets, this is the last day they are available. TY!
  8. Grummz

    In the 1st playable mockup, what should the default loadout be?

    Please remember, the playable mockup is some ways away. This milestone covers the art asset creation of the THMPR and Omniframe, with basic animations and no combat or abilities. We still have some milestones to go, and will apply the extra amount we raised to lower the cost of some of these...
  9. Grummz

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    TY. I'll also add that with no announced stretch goals, I don't expect a big push at the end of this funding campaign either. That's okay. We don't want to raise more funds at the moment before we deliver some working game assets. That said, it will be a little while before our next funding...
  10. Grummz

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    If you guy want to know how crowdfunding curves work, check out You see that successful campaigns usually have most of there activity/funding in the first 2-3 days and the last 2-3 days. Everything else in the middle is pretty dead. There are outliers, but this is the typical...
  11. Grummz

    How did you hear about Ember?

    That's a cool story :)
  12. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    I should point out that EM-8ER is outdoor warfare like Battlefield, with few interiors. That's the focus. I don't see there being any Ares mission type caves. Also, its very expensive to do interiors and such.
  13. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    That's pretty cool.
  14. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    Pbbbttt...Navel is coming :) Soon(tm)
  15. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    Pretty, $25 for orange paint, pls. JK. :) We're going to be concentrating on getting the mockup running. Slimming the width of the frame really depends on how its starts to feel moving around and looking in a real 3rd person mockup. Until then we could make art changes till the cows come home...
  16. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    We will need this for PR shots too. Sounds like a good feature and easy to implement!
  17. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    Nice skillz there.
  18. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    Its going to be a trick to animate the current version. Will think about it.
  19. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    Same "you'll never see your front" argument was made on the WoW team many times by 1st person advocates (remember, other MMOs were 1st person then) who complained that only ever saw your back all the time. We actually were going to create a deployable mirror in world so you could see front of...
  20. Grummz

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    While I don't anticipate further changes, I'm so intrigued by how many members have drawing/3D skills here. Ty.