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  1. Terib.Shadow

    a question regarding gameplay

    Good to have you with us! Firstly I can give you the vision book, which is this part of the forum : info is the same, it's just in multiple threads instead of a book/pdf. Then i'd recommend looking at this, it should be the info...
  2. Terib.Shadow

    Friday Update - Omniframe FINISHED

    actually that's a fair point, my bad
  3. Terib.Shadow

    Friday Update - Omniframe FINISHED

  4. Terib.Shadow

    Friday Update - Omniframe FINISHED

    I just noticed I didn't say what I thought of this, and what i'll say is i'm very happy with the result, I just can't wait for the golden omniframe.
  5. Terib.Shadow

    Friday Update - Omniframe FINISHED

    That is already planned, Kaijus are ranked from 0 to 5 (0 being the smallest), or 1 to 6 if you prefer, if on the 0 to 5 scale, the kaiju you can see next to the THMPR should be a category 1, you can learn all about it here : As a side note, i'd like to...
  6. Terib.Shadow

    About Wikis

    Now that's one thing i've not thought about, nice foresight buddy! I'm not sure about what we should use, perhaps if it's not too expensive how about making our own wiki website? Would be great!
  7. Terib.Shadow

    cooperative iron giants

    That is indeed true, but this is mostly for far later in development, perhaps one day this thread will be looked at in a long time, and the idea will be adopted!
  8. Terib.Shadow

    cooperative iron giants

    A bit of a necro but not the first time it happens to this thread, just wanted to say i'd love it if during some massive invasions or such command allows the players to, instead of staying in their omniframes, board an Emperor class titan or such and use one of the many weapons on it to bring...
  9. Terib.Shadow


    Well, all you can get as wallpaper so far is the forum background images you can see right now, i do not know where you can get the source, if anyone could link it it'd be handy thanks.
  10. Terib.Shadow

    I really like it too! I look forward to seeing some more of it.

    I really like it too! I look forward to seeing some more of it.
  11. Terib.Shadow

    Saturday Update - Omniframe, Characters, Scale Test

    I really like how the geesuit is lookin, this update was well worth the wait.
  12. Terib.Shadow

    Friday Update coming Saturday

    Good to hear it, i'm curious about what we'll get this week.
  13. Terib.Shadow

    Is it possible to get founder support by showing email receipts?

    Very sorry but without the founder credit program working there's no real way to verify it, and you know, email receipts can be photoshopped or such things, it's not going to be possible. It'd have been great if we managed to give a refund to all those who could get one, but sadly impossible due...
  14. Terib.Shadow

    words of wisdom

    words of wisdom
  15. Terib.Shadow

    Friday UPDATE - Geesuits and characters

    Sounds like a fair idea, but it's up to @Ronyn to decide, after asking grummz ofc.
  16. Terib.Shadow

    Congrats buddy

    Congrats buddy
  17. Terib.Shadow

    Omniframe Final Hipoly - Sunday Stream

    Purity seal deserving update i'd say.
  18. Terib.Shadow

    Backer Titles coming Online!

    @Ronyn Get over here, stuff only you can handle. No worries mate, Ronyn will take care of stuff, i do recommend PMing him on discord again with the issue and your email, along with your donator rank.
  19. Terib.Shadow

    The game will be on steam.

    The game will be on steam.
  20. Terib.Shadow

    Friday Update 8/4

    That banner's not here to look good, it's just here to point out i can help with stuff for new people.