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  1. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause IT'S RAINING MEN! HALEJULIA! IT'S RAINING MEN! AMEN! xD (And 'cause i will have enough cake for all of us ^^)
  2. Nunaden

    Video-game(s) you're playing.

    Meh.. maybe im going to touch Oxenfree *shiver* And im waiting for teh new Robocraft update :3 2K CPU WE ARE COMING!!! And im ofc waiting for factorio update 0.15 <3 I- WANT- POWERPLANTS!!!!!!!!!!!! Fukushima V2. :3 (recently bought a manga about Fukushima, its called "Reaktor 1F" (German, i...
  3. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for not providing hot chocolate or tea either! *Brings Hot Chocolate, Tea, biscuits and Mangas* Anyone wanting something? I Got much to share! :D
  4. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause its your fault, not mine ^^
  5. Nunaden

    Last Letter game

  6. Nunaden

    introduce yourself

    well... Hi! :D just a little hint: i think you didn't seek well enough ^^
  7. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for saying that im right! :* :)
  8. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned because you are wrong!
  9. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause being correct is not bad
  10. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause you're not wrong ^^
  11. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for right-exploit!
  12. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for banning without reason
  13. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause the f-word isnt bad...
  14. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'Cause they are correct! ^^banned 'cause the TKPD is a modified version of the Dragunov SVD Sniper rifle and Mosina is the Mosina-Nagant (aka Mosin-Nagant aka Tryohlyneika - yeah... this rifle is fucking old...)
  15. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause it is like it is, you need something pretty big to crack a skull... something like a TKPD or Mosina ^^
  16. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned 'cause a shot at the head doesnt mean that the shot is lethal
  17. Nunaden

    Doomsday is coming! DOOMSDAY IS COMING!

    Doomsday is coming! DOOMSDAY IS COMING!
  18. Nunaden

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned for banning without reason
  19. Nunaden

    The subject of NPC ethnicity in games

    Midget massacre! We need badass midgets! xD #BL2FTW ^^
  20. Nunaden

    New website coming, not yet deployed

    There are quite some ppl working with him, Joey (our elite-modeller :D), Warren Louw ( and some more. xD And the game is still in the planning phase... we probably will see the in one or two years... its still a long path to the game...